nicky m timeline

  • Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

    The Seneca Falls Convention in New York marked the beginning of the women's suffrage movement in the United States. It was here that the "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" was presented, demanding women's rights.
  • Women's Suffrage Achieved in the United States (1920)

    The ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women the right to vote, a significant milestone in the women's rights movement.
  • Passage of the 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified, granting women the right to vote nationwide.
  • Second-wave Feminism (1960s-1980s)

    The second-wave feminist movement focused on issues like reproductive rights, workplace equality, and addressing gender roles. It brought about significant changes in societal attitudes and policies.
  • Equal Pay Act

    The U.S. Equal Pay Act is signed into law, requiring equal pay for equal work regardless of gender.
  • Title IX Enacted

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is passed, prohibiting gender-based discrimination in education programs and activities.
  • Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision

    The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade establishes a woman's legal right to abortion.
  • International Women's Year and UN Decade for Women

    The United Nations declared 1975 as International Women's Year and the following decade as the UN Decade for Women, promoting gender equality and women's rights globally.
  • The Women's Equality Act

    The United Nations adopts the Women's Equality Act, recognizing women's rights as human rights and promoting gender equality.
  • UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

    Adopted by the United Nations, this treaty aims to eliminate discrimination against women and promote gender equality.
  • Fourth-wave Feminism

    The fourth-wave feminist movement is characterized by digital activism, social media campaigns, and a focus on intersectionality. It addresses contemporary gender issues and inequalities.
  • The United Nations adopts the Women's Equality Act, recognizing women's rights as human rights and promoting gender equality.

    The Fourth World Conference on Women adopts the Beijing Declaration, setting a global agenda for advancing gender equality.
  • Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing

    A global gathering that produced the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a comprehensive plan for achieving gender equality.
  • UN Security Council Resolution 1325

    Resolution 1325 is passed, emphasizing the importance of women's participation in peace and security efforts.
  • The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

    U.S. legislation that expanded workers' rights to sue employers for pay discrimination, addressing the gender pay gap.
  • Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Peace Prize

    Malala, an advocate for girls' education, became the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate for her activism.
  • Women's Marches

    Millions of people worldwide participate in Women's Marches to advocate for women's rights, social justice, and equality.
  • The #MeToo Movement

    The #MeToo movement gains momentum, highlighting the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault and calling for accountability.
  • First Female Vice President in the United States

    Kamala Harris is inaugurated as the first female vice president of the United States.