
  • City of Granada Destroyed

    City of Granada Destroyed
    English, French, and Dutch pirates captured and destroyed the city of Granada, which was the province’s center of agricultural wealth. From this event, the control the Spanish had over the eastern half of the country went to the English, who declared it to be a protectorate of the English crown. says Spain had neglected the Captaincy General of Guatemala, which made for a weak and unstable Nicaragua that was ruled by people who didn't care about the welfare of the people.
  • Nicaragua’s Independence

    Nicaragua’s Independence
    Marked the end of control by other countries and the beginning of a long battle of unstable government. According to a timeline on, this was also the time that Nicaragua was incorporated into the Mexican empire.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Civil war over efforts to centralize power in each province in the new nation. says the civil war came from each province creating their own form of administration due to the weak federal government. The inadequate communications and internal conflicts are ultimately what led to the civil war.
  • Rivalry Over Nicaragua

    Rivalry Over Nicaragua
    Unstable national government and rivalry between U.S. and Britain to have Nicaragua in their sphere of influence.
    In, the author asserts that different countries wanted control over Nicaragua due to its importance as a transit route across the isthmus. Some of the British settlers took control of the San Juan del Norte port and expelled all of Nicaragua’s officials that were located there.
  • William Walker in Nicaragua

    William Walker in Nicaragua
    William Walker had the opportunity to take over Nicaragua. A precedent was now set for the U.S. to step in and settle domestic disputes with military intervention. states that Walker was a soldier from Tennessee who had already invaded Mexico. He was offered funds and land grants if he would aid the liberals by bringing a force of United States adventurers. His increase in support concerned the conservatives in Central America. They eventually took action against him.
  • Jose Santos Zelaya came into rule

    Jose Santos Zelaya came into rule
    He was a ruthless dictator who ruled for 16 years. He was also responsible for the creation of their army and growth of nationalist feelings.
    BBC states he was a liberal who had seized the rule instead of earning it.
  • Zelaya Loses Power

    Zelaya Loses Power
    United States marines drove Zelaya from power due to the opposition from conservatives and the eventual revolt.

    BBC says the United States not only deposed to Zelaya, but they also helped establish military bases all throughout Nicaragua at this time.
  • National Guard in Nicaragua

    National Guard in Nicaragua
    National Guard created by United States as a way to maintain order after they took their marines out of Nicaragua.
    BBC says the United States was getting more of a military presence in Nicaragua and the Guerrillas, led by Augusto Caesar Sandino, planned to revolt against the presence of the United States.
  • Somoza Garcia Becomes Ruler

    Somoza Garcia Becomes Ruler
    Somoza Garcia makes uncle resign as president. He became his uncle’s replacement and remained dictator for the next 20 years.
    BBC says Sandino was killed on the orders of Somoza Garcia, who was a National Guard commander at the time.
  • Somoza Garcia's Reelection

    Somoza Garcia's Reelection
    Somoza Garcia’s decided to run for reelection. The liberals and the U.S. were opposed to his reelection. He had Leonardo Arguello run because he believed he could control him throughout his rule. According to, Arguello never wanted to be a puppet, but when his measures challenged the power of Somoza Garcia, Garcia staged a coup that placed Benjamin Lacayo Sacasa,in the place of president. This led Harry S. Truman to not grant the Nicaraguan government diplomatic recognition.
  • Assassination of Somoza Garcia

    Assassination of Somoza Garcia
    Somoza Garcia is assassinated by disgruntled citizen who had not agreed with his policies. Anastasio Somoza Debayle took over as director of the National Guard.
    BBC says General Somoza’s son, Luis Somoza Debayle took over rule as president after his father had been assassinated.
  • Earthquake that destroyed Managua

    Earthquake that destroyed Managua
    Earthquake that destroyed Managua and outed the Somoza family of taking most of the international aid that had been given by other countries to help the victims of the earthquake.
    BBC says the earthquake left Managua devastated due to the death of 5,000-10,000 people and the destruction of many buildings.
  • Anastasio Somoza Debayle Fled

    Anastasio Somoza Debayle Fled
    FSLN along with other revolutionary force members came into Managua after Anastasio Somoza Debayle fled.
    BBC says the assassination of the leader of the opposition led to the general strike that brought the moderates and FSLN together against Somoza.