New Nation

  • PA Constitutional Convention

    PA Constitutional Convention
    It extended the voting rights from white males who were 21 and payed taxes to allow white men to vote without paying taxes. Also removed the requirement of having to be Christian to hold office.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The purpose of the Articles was to create a union among states that gave most of the power of the governor to the states. The Articles did not let Congress regulate foreign and interstate trade or tax the people to raise money.
  • Constitution

    The new constitution replaced the old Articles of Confederation. The delegates meet in Philadelphia to create the document.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The government put an excised tax on whiskey to raise revenue. Farmers who grew corn and made whiskey from corn were hurt from the tax.
  • The First Political Parties

    The First Political Parties
    At first there were no political parties, because George Washington thought that it would divide the country. The first political parties were, the Federalists ( who believed the country should be run by refined people), and the Democratic Republicans ( who had more belief in the common people in governing the country).
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    German Americans of eastern PA protested against tax on land, houses, and slaves. John Fries rode into Bethlehem and freed protesters, but was caught, in prisoned, and later freed by the president.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    After the Revolutionary War, British ships would harass, stop, and seize cargoes from American ships. The United States decided enough was enough, and went to war with Britain.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The British and Americans, led by Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, fought at Lake Erie and later Niagara. The Americans won, and this victory gave Americans a needed spirit boost, after several loses.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. Neither country lost any land in the result of the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Not knowing of the peace treaty, Britain attacked New Orleans. General Andrew Jackson defeated a large force of British troops, and America won.