
Nelson Mandela

  • Nelson Mandela's birth

    Nelson Mandela's birth
    Nelson Mandela was born in Mneva, a small village in South Africa.
  • Attends primary school

    Attends primary school
    Nelson attends primary school in the year 1925 near Qunu and there he recieves the name " Nelson" from his teacher.
  • Registered at Fort Hare university

    Registered at Fort Hare university
    Mandela attended Fort Hare university and studied law.
  • Nelson attends ANC meetings

    Nelson attends ANC meetings
    In 1942, Nelson began attending the African National Congress( ANC ) meetings.
    He was an active member of the organization.
  • Meets with Evelyn

    Meets with Evelyn
    Nelson Mandela meets his first wife Evelyn, she was from the village of rural Transkei. Evelyn attracted Mandela by her beauty and quietness.
  • Mandela and Evelyn's first child is born

    Mandela and Evelyn's first child is born
    Madiba Thebelike Mandela, their child, was born during their life in Johannesburg.
  • Divorce with Evelyn

    Divorce with Evelyn
    Mandela and Evelyn divorced because they had different perspectives. She believed that he should follow religion instead of freedom . So in the year 1953, their relationship worsened and they divorced.
  • Mandela is arrested

    Mandela is arrested
    Mandela and others are arrested under the Suppression of Communism Act.
  • Mandela released from prison

    Mandela released from prison
    After 27 years, Nelson is finally released from prison
  • Nelson elected as a president

    Nelson elected as a president
    Mandela wins presidency and the election to become the first black president of South Africa . He was the first African American to take power and control.
  • The death of Nelson Mandela

    The death of Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95 after suffering from a prolonged respiratory infection.