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South African Timeline

  • The begining of the Aparteid

    The Apartheid has officaly begun.
  • Apartheid

    Apartheid did not receive any international attention when the laws were first created in 1948.
  • Laws of the Aparthies

    The apartheid was a creation of three hundred and seventeen laws by Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party, which was elected in 1948. The apartheid only proceeded to add structure to the racial segregation and domination that already existed within the nation. Even before 1948,the Nationalist Party feared the influx of Africans into White towns, and therefore restricted the areas in which they could live. The Whites passed various bills in the next four decades, to ensure that the movement of Afric
  • The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    It constituted the government’s first step in institutionalizing racial differentiation.These acts prohibited sexual intercourse and marriage between Whites and Blacks. All people over the age of sixteen were required to carry identity cards that grouped the people into various racial categories.
  • The Population Registration Act

    It required that all Africans were classified into three categories according to race. These were Black, Colored, or White, and the government made these classifications according to a person’s habits, education, appearance, and manner. Rules were given according to race and had to be followed to prevent dire consequences.
  • The Groups Areas Act

    It restricted the entrance of Blacks into the urban, industrial, and agricultural areas, reserving these areas only for the Whites. Most people who were allowed to be within the reserved areas were workers, housemaids or gardeners, who were given state permission. Spouses and other family members were also restricted from living with those who were granted permission. If Blacks were caught with family members who did not have the permission to be in the area, they were arrested and imprisoned, o
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela became involved with the ANC, African National Congress during the peak of the Second World War.
  • The Abolition of Passes and Coordination of Documents Act

    It required all Africans to carry a pass-book, similar to a passport. The pass-book contained all personal information, such as name, photograph of holder, fingerprints, and also gave a detailed explanation on where a person could be employed, and their performance at work. If Africans did not obey the rules, they were kicked out from the area, and their crime would be reported in their pass-books. The penalty for not carrying the book at all times was also severe, ranging from imprisonment and
  • Resistance to Apartheid

    One of the first political organizations in Africa opposed to the apartheid was Lubumba Yama Afrika, which believed that the only way to fight the Whites was through African unity. This party began in the 19th century, and spurred on many other parties from that point on. Opposition to the apartheid was also influenced by outside powers, such as Mahatma Gandhi’s theory of non-violence. In 1960, a large group of Africans in Sharpeville revolted by not carrying around their pass-books. This resu
  • Traveling

    Mandela continued to fight for the rights of his people, traveling illegally outside South Africa.
  • International Attention

    The United Nations helped to draw more international attention by imposing an arms embargo in November 1977 and by creating a Security Council sanctions committee in December 1977
  • The outside world

    The rise of the civil rights movement in the United States and the revolt of colonial rule in Asia and Africa drew attention to the situation in South Africa. The United Nations helped to draw more international attention by imposing an arms embargo in November 1977 and by creating a Security Council sanctions committee in December 1977.
  • Education

    Children had seperate schools, one for whites, one for, blacks, one for colored, and one for indians.
  • The End of Apartheid

    Apartheid finally came to an end in 1990 when president F.W. de Klerk announced a formal end to the apartheid.
  • More on Nelson Mandela

    He was released on February 11th, 1990, and was elected as the first democratically chosen president of South Africa on may 10th 1994. In 1993, he received the Nobel Peace prize on behalf of all the South Africans who suffered to bring peace to the land.
  • Nelson Mandela is dead

    Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95.