Nationalism and sectionalism

  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury's argument is that in the Judiciary Act of 1789, Congress granted the Supreme Court original jurisdiction over petitions for writs of mandamus. This raises several issues that the Supreme Court had to address.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana purchase took place in 1803, were the territorry was sold for $15 million. This nearly doubled the size of the United States and expanded the western part of the U.S.
  • Lewis and clark expansion

    Two explorers who set out to help expand the U.S. They discovered unseen land and it all lead up to the Louisiana purchase.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812 was the second war between the United States and Britain. This war was fought for over 32 months. It was fought for independence and freedom.
  • Tariff of 1816

    A treaty that would help the U.S build the army and create revanue. It also help create support from the southern states.
  • Missouri Comprimise

    This was a bill that was looking to end slavery. It worked and only took a few days to pass. Many people were angry about this, though. It would soon be reversed. It wasn't untill 1854 that slavery was ended.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    The case was argued that the Federal Government had to strengthened the federal economy. The result was that the congress had the power to build a bank.
  • Gibbson vs. Ogden

    The case was argued that Gobbson was not able to operate on the waters. It helped streanthen nation building in the United States. It ruled against New York and said that the Government has the right to commerce.
  • Monroe doctrin

    This was a treaty that stated that the United states would not interfer with concerns and/or the problems the Europeans faced.
  • Erie Canal

    It was project that expanded from Albany, New York, to Buffalo, New York. It help connect the Great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. This helped expand the U.S.
  • Andrew Jackson

    He was the 7th President of the United States. He did many things. Not to help us, more to destroy us (as listed in the time line).
  • Indian removel act

    The Indian removel act was introduced to remove the Indians in the U.S. This focrced the Indians to move West against their will. It all lead to the trail of tears.
  • Trail of tears

    The Trail of tears was lead on by the Indian removal act, passed by Andrew Jackson. They had to move West and they were limited on supplies. Many had lost their lives due to starvation, dieseases, and the weather conditions.
  • Spoil system

    The Spoil system really messed up the U.S. Through this, Andrew Jackson was able to kick out the people with all the political experience and move in his friends.
  • Oregon trail

    The Oregon Trail started in Independence, Missouri and ended in Portland, Oregon, in the Willamette Valley.