my timeline

  • when I was born

    when I was born, well theres not a lot I can say I mean thats when I came to this earth.and when I became Alexander Dashawn Gatlin and when I started life.
  • when I first went to school

    when I started going to school, I thought it would be fun but it really fun but it wasn't fun when I was like it 4th or 5th grade because I was young and I never wanted to wake up. but when I was in 7th grade thats when school was fun because I really had a lot of friends. Im at the high school now so I guess it is fun for now but I know it will get boring soon.
  • when I first moved

    I first moved around town the I really don't remember but my mom told me that we moved to Atlanta. but I went back to Atlanta for like 2 weeks to visit my uncle. and when I moved to Atlanta I bet I had fun up there. and when I came back I think thats when I started school. I guess when I moved back down to Arkansas I was mad or something
  • when I first started my first sport

    I first playing football in 7th grade I really wanted to play before 7th grade but I never did. and I really like to play football now because I've gotten bigger do it is fun to hit people. I'm still playing football now. I had stopped playing football I don't know why but I did then I came back to football
  • when I started jrotc

    I started jrotc because I thought it would be good for me because I'm a athlete and I could use the extra work out. I'm ready to start the challenges for jrotc and I think they will be tough but I can get through them so I can become a better athlete and get strong. jrotc Stans for junior, reserved, officer, training, corps. and I will not be going to the army. and I will be in jrotc for the four years im in high school.