my time line

By gneve
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    A conflict betwen north and south vietnam
  • Project Mercury launch

    Project Mercury launch
    the first project by U.S to try and send U.S. astronauts to space
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    a stand off betwen the U.S and the USSR. The USSR gave missiles to Cuba threatened to launch missile at the U.S
  • assassination of president kennedy

    assassination of president kennedy
    assasinated in Dallas, Texas. president kennedy was shot twice by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Selma to Montgomery marches

    Selma to Montgomery marches
    three civil rights protest marches from selma to Montgomery alabama in 1965
  • Apollo 1 disaster

    Apollo 1 disaster
    the atemped of project Apollo trying to get three men to the moon which the shuttle exploded
  • Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
    the day Robert F.Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan
  • landing on the moon

    landing on the moon
    the arivel of Neil Armstrong and buzz aldrin landing on the moon
  • president nixon resign as president

    president nixon resign as president
    richard nixon resign as president because he was afraid of getting impeached becous of a scandle
  • John Lennon was murdered

    John Lennon was murdered
    the day John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman
  • the challenger

    the challenger
    the day 7 people died in a shuttle
  • bill clinton inaugurated as president

    bill clinton inaugurated as president
    The day bill clinton was inaugurated president
  • Waco siege

    Waco siege
    76 people died and was started becous a Branch Davidians group was suspected weapons violations
  • Oklahoma city bombing

    Oklahoma city bombing
    a car bombing thta happined in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and killed 168 people and injured 680 people. and was an act of domestic terrorism
  • jesse ventura elected governor

    jesse ventura elected governor
    the day jesse ventura was elected governor
  • combine high school shooting

    combine high school shooting
    the day two kids Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 13 people at there high school
  • Gavin Neve was born

    Gavin Neve was born
    Gavin Neve was born decmber 17 2003
  • youtube was created

    youtube was created
    created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in 2005
  • my mom met Jim

    my mom met Jim
    my mom met Jim at the DTA
  • parents devorce

    parents devorce
    the day chad neve and kriste hills devorced
  • first iphone

    first iphone
    the first iphone was relasted 6/29/07 and was made by apple
  • my dad met jessica

    my dad met jessica
    my dad met jessica Hanson at a parade Duluth
  • My dad and I moved into a house with his girlfriend

    My dad and I moved into a house with his girlfriend
    My dad moved in with his girlfriend Jess
  • Obama's inauguration as

    Obama's inauguration as
    the day Barack Obama was inaugurated
  • I my got my dog baxter

    I my got my dog baxter
    My dad and his girlfriend came home with a dog and we named him Baxter
  • Osama bin Laden killed

    Osama bin Laden killed
    at 1:00am in Pakistan Osama bin Laden was killed by the Navy SEALs
  • first vacation

    first vacation
    my first vacation was to lego land chicago
  • Colorado movie theater shooting-Dark Knigh

    Colorado movie theater shooting-Dark Knigh
    A man named James Holmes walked in to a movie theater and killed 12 people
  • sandy hook school shooting

    sandy hook school shooting
    the day Adam Lanza shot 20 children and 6 staff at sandy hook Elementary school
  • first time I ever played a n64

    first time I ever played a n64
    on this day I was shown a n64 and it got me to start playing more nintendo
  • getting my cat Tigger

    getting my cat Tigger
    My family got our cat Tigger November 1 2014
  • moved into a new house

    moved into a new house
    I and my dad, My dads giral friend and her children moved into a new house
  • Inauguration of Donald Trump

    Inauguration of Donald Trump