Oligarchy of Xan

  • Nation was founded and named Xan

    The Country was discovered by a voyage off the coast of Germany around February 12th 1960. The Nation was named Xan after the ships drivers favorite movie.
  • First conflict

    Russia has tried to claim some of Xan as their own by putting some pilgrims into the far side of it. The people of Xan aren't happy with them being on their territory.
  • Pink War

    The people of Xan and the Russians have met up and fought in a war on the field of pink peony's. Many dead, Russians have the better side of the island, better resources.
  • The war of Pitchforks

    The people of Xan have no weapons left and resorted to pitchforks as their last resort in the battle for Xan. eleven women formed a team of assassins and snuck up on the camp of Russians late at night and slain as many as possible, when they were discovered they ran off into the thick strawberry forest and were never captured.
  • The Defeat

    Russians claimed defeat and joined the people of Xan in a peace treaty known as The Defeat. Winter is coming along and will be harsh
  • Second conflict

    Winter time has come and the weather is almost unbearable at a solid 15 degrees, crops have all died and the only food available is fish poultry and eggs, but there aren't enough of any to go around to the 2,000 remaining people who haven't died from frostbite or starvation.
  • The Sap

    The sap of a Delging tree ( a common tree in the strawberry forest) Has shown powers in its sap to have long lasting warmth when rubbed upon fingers toes and other easily cold areas of the body, this has allowed people to last longer and easier in the cold and fish for food, the women of Xan have started meeting up during the morning to talk about plans for Xan and its people.
  • Spring

    Winter ended earlier than the Xanians assumed, its still cold but 56 degrees for average. It rains a lot and new foods have been discovered. Women have formed a group that talk about direction and leadership while the men are responsible for food.
  • 1961

    The women have established a large oligarchy as their government deciding where to construct the next buildings and what resources to use in food. they've merged German and Russian into a language called deutschishch (pronounced dutch-ish) Small schools have been formed to teach the growing populations. The men have built boats and people go on groups to start trades amongst other nations, they trade nuts and sap, this is a fast growing country.
  • Shortening

    Xan has shortened its oligarchy and split off from Germany whilst still maintaining peace. The best trained women and man are the ones in the oligarchy. Houses have been built and they have a good food system, they get resources from other nations and are lasting quite well.
  • Trades

    Trades have been settled between America Brazil Germany Russia and The Netherlands
  • Treaty 1

    Xan forms agreement with N.A.T.O. Law for Freedom of speech and Thought is passed.