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My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on September 16, 1999 on Quito Ecuador.
    My hospital name is Hospital Metropolitano and the doctors name is Alfredo Jijon.
  • PlayGroup

    I enter play group on 2002 to Play time and I stay therir for two years untill I enter to Colegio Menor play group to class armadillo on the year of 2004.
  • PreKinder/Kinder

    I started on Prekinder on the class of Sangay.then on 2005 I was on Tunguragua.
  • Elementery

    First grrade I was at Armstrong, second Rossini, third Brams, forth List, fith Heandel, and sixth Dali. This were the best years of my life.
  • Upperschool

    I started upperschool untill 9th grade that is the yera I am today. Ive gain the best of all friends.