My Life

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    October 9th 1998 I was born i the York Memorial hospital.
  • Moved to CV

    Moved to CV
    Moved to CV and was in 2nd grade at Leola Elementery school. Haven't left since.
  • First surgery

    First surgery
    I got surgery on my left knee. I got my knee cap put back in place, because it was dislocated. And because it was dislocated it riped a tenden holding it in place. So there for the docor but *cadaver tissue int o replace the ripped tenden and put a screw and ancor in to hold it in place.
    *cadaver tissue: is tissue from a organ doner, mine was from thier achillies tenden .
  • Second surgery

    Second surgery
    Got the same thing done on my right knee as I did the left. Makeing my knees scars match :)