My Life

By yaj

    I Was Born On May 29 1996!(: I Was A Fat BAYBEE!!(:
  • My First Word

    My First Word
    My First Word Was MOOOTHHHER like Bambi Did in The Disney Movie.
  • 1st Baybee Steps

    1st Baybee Steps
    Dude, I so walked that day!
  • Headstart

    When I Went To Headstart, I Met My 1st Bf There!
  • When I Transferred Schools

    When I Transferred Schools
    (SUPER SAD FACE]!!!!! I had to move to wack tail Grifton School From Contentnea Elementary School. Still Miss My Old School Fam.
  • The Day Sierra Strickland And I Fought!

    We were playing checkers and Sierra was cheating so I got mad, so we started cat fighting, and then she stood and i jumped on her back, thats why we are best friends today!
  • First Time at Volleyball....Feel In LUVVEE!!

    Yes, I did mean LUVVE and not LOVE. But that was the greatest times.....I was getting pretty good toward the end...
  • Freshmeat

    So...that is the day I started school. It was pretty fun, compared to middle school. Now I'm just ready to get out of school, that includes college, and get a JOB!

    So far....I had my first day of weightlifting. It was AMAZING!!!!!! I feel so energized and tired at the same that possible?
  • Hurricane Floyd

    I was 3. I dont remember anything...except for the pictures and about 3 stories..