My Language Learning Timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born at "Clinaca d'Elfons" at 09.10 am.
  • Kindergarden

    I started the Kindergarden when I was 6 moths at the "Picarol Blau"
  • First Word in Catalan

    First Word in Catalan
    I said my first word in catalan when I was in the Kindergarten, but my parents don't know which was the word
  • Turonet School

    Turonet School
    I started the primary school when I was 3 years old
  • English at School

    English at School
    I started sutudy engish when I was in the primary school, at the age of 6
  • English Teacher

    English Teacher
    My English teacher was Anna, and she was a very nice person.
  • First Word in English

    First Word in English
    I said my first word in Englis when I was 6 yeras old. My first word was "Helo"
  • Seconday School

    Seconday School
    I started the secondary school when I was 12 years old
  • Fiac

    I started English in Fiac when I was in 2nd of seconday
  • Berlin

    This year I went to Berlin, and I had to speak in English all the time.