my language

  • my first word

    my first word
    My first word was with my sister telling me hello
  • nursey school

    nursey school
    I learned to say mama
  • the colors

    the colors
    I learned the colors in English with my teacher Ana, pink, yellow...
  • traveling of Britain

    traveling of Britain
    I went to Britain and met many English
  • Animals

    My aunt gave me many words in different languages of animals of the world
  • Chatting older idiom

    Chatting older idiom
    I learned to know my cousin Frances chat
  • books

    I love to read and delete languages
  • Primary school

    Primary school
    when entering primary I was taught as compulsory languages Catalan, Castilian and some English
  • secondary school

    secondary school
    when entering high school I learned to read in English
  • Travel of London

    Travel of London
    I travel of London, and i talk with the people of the village