
  • 500

    Mayan cities flourish in mesoamerica

    Mayan cities flourish in mesoamerica
    The maya prosper
  • 1100

    Inca found city of cuzco

    Inca found city of cuzco
    The Inca construct their capital city
  • 1325

    Aztec build tenochtitlan

    Aztec build tenochtitlan
  • 1400

    Aztec empire reaches its height

    Aztec empire reaches its height
  • 1420

    Portugal begins mapping coasts of Africa

    Portugal begins mapping coasts of Africa
  • 1438

    Pachacuti builds Inca empire

    Pachacuti builds Inca empire
  • 1488

    Diaz of Portugal sails into Africa's southern tip

    Diaz of Portugal sails into Africa's southern tip
  • 1492

    Columbus reaches the Americas

    Columbus reaches the Americas
  • 1518

    first enslaved Africans brought to America

    first enslaved Africans brought to America
  • 1520

    Magellan's expedition sails around the world

    Magellan's expedition sails around the world
  • 1533

    Pizarro conquers the Inca

    Pizarro conquers the Inca
  • 1570

    Eastern woodlands peoples form iriqouis Confederacy

    Eastern woodlands peoples form iriqouis Confederacy