Two male white rhinoceros fighting

Mr. Mashed Potatoes

  • Pizza Pizza

    Pizza Pizza
    Germany, Austria-Hungry, and Italy Formed the Tripple Aliance in 1882
  • button down the hatches!

    button down the hatches!
    From 1890 to 1914 European armies doubled in size
  • Yummy Yummy In my Tummy

    Yummy Yummy In my Tummy
    France, Great Britain, and Russsia created the Triple Entente
  • Shes a Honker

    Shes a Honker
    By 1914, European states were angry with one another and eager for revenge
  • surpot!

    Serbia supported was determined to create a larfe, independent Slavic state in Balkans, 1914 supported by russia.
  • sinker

    The British ship, lusitania, was sunk by german forces.
  • ghoster buster

    ghoster buster
    Germany decided the break the unrestricred warfare to starve british into submission
  • America

    USA comes to play