Movies and T.V.

  • Inventors of Motion Pictures

    the inventors were Thomas Edison
    Eadweard Muybridge
  • The inventors of the T.V.

    Philo Farnsworth, Charles Francis Jenkins, and John Logie Baird
  • The motion picture was showed

    t was invented in Chicago and shown in 1893
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    Advantages and disadvantage of the TV

    The TV brought many new features including shows and the news which greatly impacted the travel of information. One bad thing about it is the fact that people watch to much TV causing them to get lazy until the point where all they do is watch TV.
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    Advantages and disadvantages of the motion picture

    This is an advantage because movies didn't previously have sound and it was a way for people to have fun. Motion picture production slows down and many people lose their job. This is a disadvantage because it put many people out of work.
  • When and where was the T.V. made and shown

    Television was invented in 1927. The first public demonstration of televised silhouette images in motion, at Selfridge's Department Store in London.