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European union

  • End of World War ll

    End of World War ll
    World War II ends in Europe. Millions of people around the world take to the streets to celebrate ‘Victory in Europe Day’, marking the end of the deadliest military conflict in history in which 60 million people died.(
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Political tensions between eastern and western Europe over ideology, economics and government lead to a ‘Cold War’- fought with proxy wars rather than direct military conflict - that lasts for more than 40 years. Tensions between the two spheres had begun in 1945, but the term ‘Cold War’ was first used in 1947 in a speech by Bernard Baruch, an American Statesman. The expression was then widely used to designate this period in history.(
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty is signed in Washington, establishing the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), an alliance between the United States, Canada and 10 western European countries. Its purpose is to ensure safety and freedom for its members. NATO remains a cornerstone of western defence today. Article 5 of the treaty enshrines the principle of collective defence, meaning that an attack on one member is considered an attack on all members.(
  • Council of Europe

    Council of Europe
    Western European nations create the Council of Europe as a first step towards cooperation between them. Its aim is to promote democracy and protect human rights. Today 47 countries — almost the entire European continent — belong to the Council of Europe. It is most famous for drawing up the European Convention on Human Rights, which was signed in 1950 and came into effect in 1953.(
  • The Six founding countries

    The Six founding countries
    Schuman’s vision starts to take shape when six countries — Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands — sign a treaty to create a European institution that would pool and manage coal and steel production. With these countries deciding together what to do with Europe’s coal and steel, no single nation can build weapons without the other nations knowing about it.
  • Treaty of Rome

    Treaty of Rome
    Building on the success of the coal and steel treaty, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands expand cooperation to other economic sectors. They sign the Treaties of Rome, creating the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), and the European Economic Community(
  • First EU enlargement

    First EU enlargement
    Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Communities, marking the first enlargement. Together with Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, they bring the membership to nine. Following a referendum, Norway decides not to join.(
  • First elections of Europe parliament

    First elections of Europe parliament
    For the first time, European citizens can vote for who they want to represent them in the European Parliament. Before the introduction of direct elections, MEPs were appointed by the national parliaments of each Member State.(
  • Greece joins the European Communities

    Greece joins the European Communities
    Greece becomes the 10th country to join the European Communities, now known as the European Union.(
  • Greenland leaves the European Communities

    Greenland leaves the European Communities
    Between 1973 and 1985, Greenland was part of the European Communities (today called the European Union). Following a referendum held in 1982, it withdrew from the EU but remains associated with it as an Overseas Country and Territory.(
  • Spain and Portugal join the European Communities

    Spain and Portugal join the European Communities
    Spain and Portugal join the European Communities, bringing the total number of members to twelve.(
  • Trate of Maastricht

    Trate of Maastricht
    The Maastricht Treaty paved the way for the creation of a single European currency: the euro. It also established the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European System of Central Banks and describes their objectives. ... The Treaty was the culmination of decades of debates on greater economic cooperation in Europe.
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU

    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU
    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU, increasing its membership to 15.
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    The Treaty of Amsterdam is signed in the capital of the Netherlands. It prepares the European Union for the arrival of future Member States. From now on, a new Commission president can only be appointed with the approval of the European Parliament.(
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty of Nice
    The Treaty of Nice is signed by the heads of the EU’s 15 Member States at a meeting in this French city. It changes the EU’s decision-making process so that the European Union will be ready for countries from Eastern Europe to join when ready. The European Parliament’s legislative and supervisory powers are increased. The treaty comes into force on 1 February 2003.(
  • Euro

    Enter the euro in europe
  • Ten more countries join the EU

    Ten more countries join the EU
    Large parts of eastern and western Europe are united in peace and democracy as 10 new countries join the EU. The addition of Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia brings the total number of Member States to 25. Numerous events take place across Europe to mark this historic enlargement.(
  • Bulgaria and Romania join the EU

    Bulgaria and Romania join the EU
    Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union, bringing its membership to 27. Irish becomes the 21st official language and Bulgarian and Romanian bring the number to 23.(
  • Treaty of Lisboa

    Treaty of Lisboa
    The Lisbon Treaty grants the Union its own legal personality. Therefore, the Union is empowered to sign international agreements in the fields of competence attributed to it and to join an international organization.
  • Montenegro applies to join the EU

    Montenegro applies to join the EU
    Montenegro applies to join the European Union.
  • Football World Cup final

    Football World Cup final
    European champions Spain win the football World Cup, defeating the Netherlands by 1-0 in extra time.(
  • Croatia joins the EU

    Croatia joins the EU
    Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union. The EU now has 24 official languages. Can you name all the official languages of the EU?(
  • EU/Canada trade agreement

    EU/Canada trade agreement
    EU and Canadian leaders sign a trade deal that will make it easier to export goods and services — to the benefit of people and businesses in both the EU and Canada. Interested in what opportunities the EU’s trade deal with Canada might bring to your country or home town? Check the map.(
  • Brexit Referendum

    Brexit Referendum
    In a referendum in the United Kingdom, a majority of 52 % vote for the country to leave the European Union.(
  • COVID 19 at Europe

    COVID 19 at Europe
    the covid generates a great crisis in europe with lack of money closing of shops etc ...
  • Brexit - UK leaves the EU

    Brexit - UK leaves the EU
    Having been an EU Member State since 1973, the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, following the 2016 referendum result. The so-called “Brexit agreement”, jointly approved by the European and the British Parliaments, now provides for a negotiation period that will redefine the relationship between the EU and the UK in many areas, including trade, education, defence and employment, with a substantial impact on both European and British citizens.