Molitor Introduction

By mol1tor
  • High School Graduation

    I graduated from Glen Este High School in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Costa Rica

    Costa Rica
    I studied abroad in Costa Rica for three weeks. I took a comparative education course and loved interacting with teachers and students at the local schools.
  • Graduated from Northern Kentucky University

    Graduated from Northern Kentucky University
    I graduated from NKU with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education. I started a long-term subbing position a month after graduation.
  • Teaching Position

    Teaching Position
    I accepted my first teaching position. I have been a fourth grade teacher for the last four years.
  • Aunt Tara

    Aunt Tara
    I became an aunt today! My nephew and boyfriend share the same birth day.
  • First House

    My boyfriend and I bought out first house. We move in today!
  • Completion of EDRE 2204

    I hope that I have learned research based strategies and approaches to teaching phonics. I want to apply these practices to word studies next school year.