Module 1 Lesson 1 Wesley Pham

By wpham7
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Stated that the nation was to keep on neutral terms between Freat Britain and France
  • XYZ Affair

    France viewed the Jay treaty as a violation with previous treaties between the two parties of America and France. Furthermore, France began to seize american ships.
  • Convention of 1800

    The Treaty of Mortefontaine was made between US and France. This treaty ended the conflicts from the XYZ affair.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    United States bought land from France, where US paid fifty million francs and cancelled any debts from france which equalled up to 18 million francs.
  • Embargo Act

    Any exports from the United States were made illegal. This was made to remain a neutral stance in the Napeolonic wars.
  • War of 1812

    War between America and Great Britain over trade restrictions. America won in the end.
  • Treaty of Ghent.

    Treaty that ended the War of 1812
  • Monroe Doctrine

    As stated by the US, if European nations were to take any land within north or south america, US would view those as actions of aggression.