Module #1: History of Special Education

  • American School for Deaf

    American School for the Deaf (ASD) located in the United States in the oldest and most permanent school for the deaf. The school was founded in Connecticut in 1817 but Thomas Gallaudet. Over the years it eventually became supported and funded by the state.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Congress vetoed President Johnson on the Civil Rights Act 1866. This act declared that anyone born within the United States would be citizens no matter color, race, or condition at their birth. If people were found guilty of not abiding by the rules they can face a misdemeanor charge.
  • The National Association for Retarded Citizens (NARC)

    During the 1950s people did not have much knowledge on the mentally disabled community therefor they did not get the same opportunities that others did. The National Associations for Retarded Citizens (NARC) was founded to create state and federal laws to help protect and better the life of children and families with disabilities. Before these laws were set into place families were told by medical professionals to place their loved one in an institution and with NARC they do not have to do that.
  • Brown VS Board of Ed

    Brown v. Board of Education was a monumental movement in 1954 in the supreme court case. This case deemed publics schools as unconstitutional for segregating classrooms based on the race of a child. This in turn was a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement making everything "seperate-but-equal."
  • Rehabilitation Act Section 504

    The Rehabilitation Act created the section 504 as an anti-discrimination act. A 504 is a civil rights statute that in sure the needs of disabled students will be met the same way students without a disability would be met. A 504 plan is just a list of accommodations the child will receive but is not a legal binding contract.
  • Public Law No.94-142

    This law was passed in 1975 and guaranteed free public education to a child with disabilities. The law had such an amazing impact on children with disabilities across the United States. When this law was passed it not only gave parents a sigh of relieve but the children an opportunity that they may have never had.
  • Handicap Children Protection ACT

    The Handicap Children Protection act was signed by President Ronald Reagan. This act was put into place to give parents more of a say and a voice. Giving parents the right to be more informed and involved in their child's IEP meeting.
  • The American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    President Bush signed this law in 1990 for The American Disabilities Act. This was put into place to ensure people with a disability have the same rights as someone who does not whether at work or school. The act also ensures that people with disabilities are not discrimination against in work, school, and everyday life.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    The Council for Exceptional Children became and advocacy group for students with special needs and disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children has become the largest known advocacy group for children that a disabled. The main goal for this group is that all children are treated equally.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act is a federal law put in place to ensure that extra assistance can be provided to ensure progress in everyone academic success. This act is to basically equal the playing field across the classroom. Hoping to limit the gap between each child and help everyone get on the same pace.