Modern World History Timeline

  • Spain begins settlements in the Philippines

    Spain begins settlements in the Philippines
    It was comprised territories and colonies administered directly by Spain in Europe, in America, Africa, Asia and Oceania
  • The Dutch establish a trading center on Java

    The Dutch establish a trading center on Java
    was a chartered company established in 1602, when the States-General of the Netherlands granted it a 21-year monopoly to carry out colonial activities in Asia.
  • Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut on the Indian Ocean

    Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut on the Indian Ocean
    He was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India.
  • Bartolomeu Dias rounds the southern tip of Africa

    Bartolomeu Dias rounds the southern tip of Africa
    Was a nobleman of the Portuguese royal household, was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488, the first European known to have done so.
  • • Christopher Columbus reaches the Caribbean

    •	Christopher Columbus reaches the Caribbean
    On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on a small island he called San Salvador. Columbus believed he had reached the Indies, or the islands southwest of India that include Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas

    Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas
    On June 1494, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Spain and Portugal along a meridian 370 leagues[note 1] west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa). This line of demarcation was about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands (already Portuguese) and the islands discovered by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage (claimed for Spain), named in the treaty as Cipangu and Antilia (Cuba and Hispaniola.
  • France sets up its own East India Company

    France sets up its own East India Company
    It was a commercial enterprise, founded in 1664 to compete with the British and Dutch East India companies in colonial India.
  • History of the Philippines

    History of the Philippines
    The history of the Philippines is believed to have begun with the arrival of the first humans via land bridges at least 30,000 years ago.[1] The first recorded visit from the West is the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan, who sighted Samar on March 16, 1521 and landed on Homonhon