Modern History Major Events

  • United States Declaration of Independence

    United States Declaration of Independence
    The 13 current states of America declared that they would no longer be under British rule after being at war against them for a year.
  • European settlement of Australia

     European settlement of Australia
    European Settlers from England came on 11 boats known as the first fleet to Australia to settle the land, which they viewed as free for the taking, despite the nations indigenous population. The settlers were convicts and the poor seeking a new life in Australia.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The vast amount of starving citizens of France overthrew the corrupt feudal monarchy, killing numerous royalty and people in positions of power who had and had not been responsible for the treatment that the lower classes of french society had faced. The monarchy was replaced with a military dictatorship under Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Spanish American wars of independence

    Spanish American wars of independence
    Several countries in South America Chose to forcibly establish independence from the Spanish Monarchy due to political instability and increasing absolutist policies.
  • Indian Rebellion of 1857

    Indian Rebellion of 1857
    The Indian people aimed to rebel against the British Crowns rule over their country due to unfair treatment and the desire for independence.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The American Civil War began when several northern states receded from the union as Abraham Lincoln was elected in fear that he would abolish slavery. The recession of these states from the union would cause significant economic consequences, resulting in the northern states taking up arms against the confederacy. The north was ultimately victorious, regaining the economic advantages of a unified America and abolishing slavery in the south as Lincoln had initially wished.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    A period in which emperor Meiji reduced unnecessary imperial powers for the betterment of society.
  • invention of the telephone

    invention of the telephone
    In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, a landmark event in communication.
  • the scramble for Africa

    the scramble for Africa
    A period of European imperialism in which several European powers acted hastily to secure land in Africa before their competition without consideration of the impact and the morality of their actions.
  • Second Boer War

    Second Boer War
    The Second Boer War was fought between the two Boer states of South Africa and the British Empire over the control that the British Empire had over South Africa
  • invention of powered flight

    invention of powered flight
    On December 17, 1903 the Wright brothers successfully completed a test flight of their airplane prototype.
  • WWI

    The first world war was fought between the central powers and the entente powers. The war started after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria, and ended with the central powers being defeated and heavily punished.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Communists dismantled the autocratic monarchy of the tsars, contributing to the rise of the Soviet Union, responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people.
  • discovery of penicillin

    discovery of penicillin
    Alexander Fleming discovered the worlds first antibiotic, Penicillin.
  • WWII

    The second world war started when France and England declared war on Nazi Germany after Hitler invaded Poland, fearing that Hitler had plans to gain control over Europe. Throughout the war Millions of innocent civilians were executed in Nazi Germany, and millions of soldiers were killed in combat. The allied powers were ultimately successful in defeating Hitler, and soon learned
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The US drafted soldiers to aid the capitalist Vietnamese troops aiming to fight back against Russian backed communist revolutionaries in fear that if communism arose in Vietnam it would spread throughout Asia.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was an event which lasted for 13 days where the USSR and the US reached the brink of nuclear war. Russian placed missiles on Cuba, frighteningly close to the US triggered the confrontation.
  • I Have a Dream

    I Have a Dream
    Martin Luther King Jr delivered what is considered by many to be one of the greatest speeches of all time in which he preached of equality amongst the races.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    On July 16, 1969, The US successfully landed the first man on the moon in a bid to demonstrate to the world the power and economic might of their capitalism economy in comparison to the communist USSR.
  • hong kong returns to china

    hong kong returns to china
    on the first of july 1997 The British Empire gave Hong Kong to China, representing the end of the empire.