• Jan 1, 1469


    In this year are the marrige of Isabel | and Fernando || and united the kindow of Castilla and Aragon.
  • Jan 1, 1492


    In this year Granafa happened and christofer Colombus descover America whith three Caravels: La Pinta, La niña y La Santa Maria.
  • Feb 1, 1516


    Carlos | became the king of Spain, later Carlos | decided to abandon the throne and divided the throne with Felipe | |.
  • Apr 12, 1556


    Felipe | | became ruler of the longest empire of its time, he defeated France, but the conflic between the two countries reappeared the end of his reign.
  • Aug 11, 1566


    The Netherlands rose up again Spanish rule. Northen provinces declared independence, but the king no accept it.
  • Mar 4, 1571


    He defeated the Turks at the Bttle of lepanto.
  • 1588

    Although the armada was a powerful fleet of warship, it was defeated .
  • 1598

    Spanish empire weakened and began to break up. In 17 century Felipe | |, Felipe |V and Carlos || had favourites called validos.
  • 1700

    The king Carlos | | died without leaving a succesor.
  • 1713

    The war of sucession ended with the signing of the Treaty of Utrech.
  • 1808

    Riot of Aranjuz forced Carlos |V to obdicate.