Moctezuma 1

Moctezuma II

  • Jan 1, 1466


    Moctezuma II was born in Tenochtitlan, the capital of Aztec empire. (The exact date is not known.)
  • Apr 5, 1499

    Moctezuma's daughter dies

    Moctezuma's daughter dies
    Moctezuma's daughter, Princess Xipaguacin Moctezuma, married Juan de Grau, one of Cortés's senior officers. He took her back to Spain with an entourage of Mexica where she died in the Mountain village of Toleriu, near Andorra. (Image: Princess Xipaguacin Moctezuma's shield)
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Begins reign

    Begins reign
    Began reign as ruler of Aztec Empire, his reign ended in 1520 due to his sudden death.
  • May 1, 1509

    Daughter was born

    Daughter was born
    Daughter Techichpotein (later given the name Isabel) was born. She was the heiress to Moctezuma's wealth and went on to marry a spanish conquistadors that claimed land in the aztec empire.
    (The exact date of her birth is not knowm.)
  • Dec 26, 1517

    Moctezuma learns of foreigners

    Moctezuma learns of foreigners
    Moctezuma receives the first report of Europeans landing on the east coast of his empire; this was the expedition of Juan de Grijalva. Moctezuma ordered that he be kept informed of any new sightings of foreigners at the coast and posted extra watch guards to accomplish this.
  • Sep 18, 1519

    Spanish Invade

    Spanish Invade
    Spanish invaded aztec Empire with no hostile interaction.
  • Nov 18, 1519

    Meeting Hector Cortes

    Meeting Hector Cortes
    Moctezuma II meets Hector Cortes and exchanges gifts with him. He them invites him and his army to be guests in his palace. Moctezuma brought Cortés to his palace where the Spaniards lived as his guests for several months. Moctezuma continued to govern his empire and even undertook conquests of new territory during the Spaniards' stay at Tenochtitlan. At some time during that period Moctezuma became a prisoner in his own house.
  • May 10, 1520

    Massacre in the main temple

    Massacre in the main temple
    Cortés leaves Moctezuma's palace to fight Pánfilo de Narváez and during the time he was gone the massacre in the main temple turned the situation between the Spaniards and Aztecs into direct hostilities; Moctezuma became a hostage used by the Spaniards to assure their security.
  • Jul 1, 1520


    The Spanish forced Moctezuma to appear on the balcony of his palace, appealing to his countrymen to retreat. The people were angered by their emperor's involvement and pelted him with rocks and darts. Moctezuma was hit by three stones, one on the head, the arm, and the leg. After, he refused to have his wounds dressed or to eat and quite unexpectedly people were told he was dead. It is believed he died at the age of 54
  • Oct 12, 1520

    Nephew becomes sucessor

    Nephew becomes sucessor
    Moctezuma II was succeeded by him adolescent nephew, Cuauhtémoc. This is thought to have happened due to the fact that it was during the siege of the city and the sons of Moctezuma were murdered by the Aztec, possibly because they wanted to surrender. but were killed a year later.