
Missouri Compromise

  • Charles Sumner beaten

    american statehood, for the equal reedom or all americans.

    an agrement between both pro-slavery and anti slavery to get rid of slavery in the missouri territory.
  • South Carolina secedes

    divition rom south carolinia and the united states, lincolns victory was esherd.

    The Treaty Of Gaudalupe Hidalgo from the defeat of mexico. California joined the union as a free state, due to the comprmise in 1850.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    The fugitive slave law was the act to return the run-away slaves.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin Published

    It changes peoples oppionon about slavery. it talked about how they actually got treated,
  • Harper’s Ferry Raid

    brought national attention to the emotional part o slavery. several ollowers siezed the united states.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Repel the missouri compromise o 1820 which prohibets slavery in the north. In the south its deeply supported.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected President of United States

    Lincoln was the first member of the Republican Party elected to the presidency, a remarkable rise for a political party that had been in existence less than ten years. 1860 elected the 16th president.Significantly, Lincoln carried all of the free states and none of the slave states. He was elected with just over a third of the popular vote, but an overwhelming victory in the Electoral College (180 to 123 for the other three candidates combined).
  • Dred Scott Decision

    any black slave or reed black slaves were not and could not ever be an citezen.
  • Raid on Lawrence, Kansas

    1863, targeted Lawrence due to the town's long support of abolition and its reputation as a center for Jayhawkers and Redlegs, which were free-state militia and vigilante groups known for attacking and destroying farms and plantations in Missouri's pro-slavery western counties
  • Wilmot Proviso

    stated 2 million dollors or the oppramation o president plk to bill stipulating that non o the land in the mexican war should be a slave land. and that insted it should only be free land.