• Was born

    Was born
    Miriam Makeba was born on March 4, 1932 Johannesburg, in South Africa, lived with his parents Christina and Caswell Makeba in Pretoria, they were a poor family.
  • Mama Africa

    Mama Africa
    She was known as a Mama Africa because she always fithing for all the problems that her country suffered

    She start to sing with the Manhattan Brothers group on 1953 , and finally, in 1958, she start her own band, The Skylarks. Her music was a mixed of jazz and músic traditional soud African.
  • Her big success

    Her big success
    She got her big success whith the song Pata Pata (on 1966) and was the first in pop music rankings. The song was widespread for all the world. The other song that was very important was the song of Malaika (1972), Hurry Mama Hurry, and African Sunset.
  • She came to Barcelona

    She came to Barcelona
    In 10 of September 1988 Miriam Makeba came to Barcelona and sang with other famous singers in a concert to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the declaration of human rights called "human rights now" in the Camp nou the concert was done in other places like a tour https://youtu.be/meKoE0Y3B04
  • Exile

    She spent a lot of time out of her country and she was sentenced to exile along 3 decades in Venice, London, United States, Conakry. Because she was fighting against racism
  • Her autobiagraphy

    Her autobiagraphy
    On 1998 Makeba public her the first autobiography called “My Story” to explain her experiences in United States and in 2004 public her second autobiography called “Miriam Makeba Story ”and in that she explain her experience with a cervical cancer
  • Otto Hahn prize

    Otto Hahn prize
    The prizes that she recived are the Otto Hahn, that was gived by the Germany Asociation of the ONU, in 2001. In 2002, the Royal Swedish Academy of Music gived her the Polar Music Prize.

    She died after a concert on 9 November 2008 in the Castel Volturno (Caserta/Italy ) at the age of 76 for a heart attack when she was saying goodbye to her followers after a concert against racism