
MinerH 2013

  • 450

    I- Religion (Hinduism)

    I- Religion (Hinduism)
    The earliest records of Hindu gods, goddesses and Hindu beliefs were first written down in about the fourth century A.D. However, by this time, there was already a strong oral tradition which supported these beliefs. The early Hindu epics and myths help us to understand the evolution of the gods and goddesses and the development of beliefs which form the basis of the modern Hindu religion. Hinduism and Buddism are still widely popular religions in India.
  • Sep 21, 600

    I- Religion (Buddha)

    I- Religion (Buddha)
    When Siddhartha was a young adult his experiences with the outside world drove him to seek out a greater understanding of life and spiritual fulfilment. Through seeking guidance and meditation, Siddhartha achieved enlightenment, and from that point, he was known as the Buddha, which means 'Enlightened One'. For the rest of his life, the Buddha travelled great distances teaching people about one path to salvation. We still have the teachings of Buddha today.
  • Sep 21, 1000

    C- Crafts and Artisans

    C- Crafts and Artisans
    Jade was believed to have special healing powers, therefore it was one of the most prized materials. Nextside to it was Bronze that was used to make ritual vessels, pots, bells, mirrors and weapons. They developed a way to cast bronze in order to make cool designs on it. They kept the secret of silk prodution quiet for hundreds of years, then when they traded, it was wanted all over the world.
  • Sep 21, 1500

    C- Dynasties

    C- Dynasties
    Between the beginning of the second millennium B.C. and 221 B.C. three dynasties ruled the area around the Yellow River Basin, one after another. The Xia are believed to be the earliest of these dynasties. However, so far no written evidence has been found that tells us about the Xia. From about 1500 to 1050 B.C. the people known as the Shang came to rule the area. In 1050 B.C. the Zhou, western neighbours of the Shang, rose against the Shang and defeated them in battle.
  • C- Writing

    C- Writing
    Unlike English, Chinese use logograms where a symbol represents a meaning or a word. Chinese writing hasn't been changed much, thanks to the basic principles of the writing. Each character consists of a number of strokes or lines set inside an imaginary square. Many bones have been found from the Shang dynasty with ancient Chinese writing on them.
  • C- Geography

    C- Geography
    China is a vast country and has a great variety of climates and terrains. The south is wet and tropical, with some rainforest coverage. North-west China is covered in desert. The HImalayas are just West of China which make a great barrier of protection. Another helpful thing was the Yangzi River because it irrigates the rice growing regions in the south of China.
  • I- Indus Valley

    I- Indus Valley
    A vast number of settlements were built on the banks of the Indus River and surrounding areas. The cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were well-organised and solidly built out of brick and stone. Their drainage systems, wells and water storage systems were the most sophisticated in the ancient world. They also developed systems of weights and trade. They made jewellery and game pieces and toys for their children.
  • M- trade and transport

    M- trade and transport
    Mesopotamia was a region with little natural resources. The people who lived there needed to trade with neighboring countries in order to acquire the resources they needed to live, like grains, oils, textiles, timber, stone, precious metals, and wine. People from many countries came to Mesopotamia to trade their goods.
  • C- Tombs and Ancestors

    C- Tombs and Ancestors
    Much like the Egyptians, the chinese believed that life continued after death. They believed that they would come back and continue to do the things they were doing, so they were buried with tools, and other things they believed they would need in the afterlife. People often gave sacrifices to their dead ancestors to bring them good luck. They believed that they could bring them good luck from the gods.
  • M- Warfare

     M- Warfare
    There were few armies that could defeat the Assyrians. The reason being was because they were well trained, and had good weapons. Other villages and empires that were not apart of the Assyrians payed tribute. This meant that the King would not threaten them with destruction and war.
  • LINKS!!!!!!!

    All of my links came from the websites. Some of the links wouldn't work, so i thought I would explain about why some of them didn't have links.
  • M- Ziggurats

    M- Ziggurats
    The stepped towers were called ziggurats. They are a part of a temple complex, that leads people to believe that they were connected with religion of some kind. No one knows for sure how they were built or how they were used.However, we do know that the ziggurats were made from mud bricks in Sumerian cities.
  • E- life

    E- life
    Most of the Egyptians lived along the Nile. They depended on regular flooding to enrich the soils for farming purposes. They built mudbrick homes in villlages. They traded resources with other villages for food and goods. Each village had their own resource that they could trade. Many people had a job, and that determined their social status.
  • I- Writing

    I- Writing
    The first Indian script was developed in the Indus Valley, and it is still undeciphered to us today. Thus, it is still not possible to fully understand this civilization, as we have no readable records of their beliefs, history, rulers or literature. Brahmi and Kharosthi were developed to write official and local languages. Through these sources we are able to learn about the literature, mythology, history and beliefs of ancient India.
  • I- Geography advances and Disadvantages

    I- Geography advances and Disadvantages
    The terrain was varied and often presented great challenges. Occasional extremes of weather such as droughts and monsoons were also part of life in this land. Many rivers flowed through ancient India making the land fertile. One of the main rivers to be used in ancient times was the Indus river in the north-west. It was on the banks of the Indus river that the earliest civilization in India to use writing, build large buildings and organise cities flourished for nearly one thousand years.
  • E- Pyramids

    E- Pyramids
    The ancient Egyptians made pyramdids for their pharoahs in the afterlife. They were built between the beginning of the Old Kingdom and the New Kingdom. The three largest pyramids ever bult were in Giza, during the Old Kingdom. The most well known pyramid is for Khufu.
  • E- Craftsmen

    E- Craftsmen
    There were many craftsman and who were well trained and skilled laborers. They were well respected and had a comfortable lifestyle. Most had an easy life, depending on their skills and experience. Obejcts were made differently depending on who it was for. If it was for a pharoah it was made in the palace. If it was for a commoner, then it was just made in the shop.
  • M- Writing

    M- Writing
    People living in Mesopotamia developed a form of writing to record and communicate different types of information. They used pictograms to communicate basic information about crops and tazes. The scribes recorded daily events, trade, astronomy, and literature on clay tablets. Cuneiform was also used by people throughout the ancient Near East to write several different languages.
  • M- Astronomers

    M- Astronomers
    The astronomers of Babylon were a special group of scribes who observed the movements of the stars and planets. They recorded their observations about the daily, monthly and yearly position of the stars and planets. They advised the king about how their observations affected the calendar. They also looked for omens to tell the king about how it could effect future events.
  • E- Writing

    E- Writing
    The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and government. Thus, they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information.
    Their language was written in heiroglyphics and they wrote on papyrus scripts.
  • E- Mummification

    E- Mummification
    The earliest form of mummification is burying a small pit in the sand and laying the body in it. Since Egypt is so dry and hot, the bodies were dehydrated fast. After that method, the animals of the desert got into the bodies, so they put the bodies in coffin. They soon realized that the bodies decayed by not being in the element of the desert. Over many centuries they started embaliming bodies and began to mummify people.