
Middle English

  • 1066

    Norman Conquest

    Norman Conquest
    William the Conqueror invaded the island of Britain and settled in his new acquisition along with his nobles and court.
  • Period: 1101 to 1200

    12th Century

    The “Ormulum” gives philologists an invaluable snap-shot of they way Middle English was pronounced in the Midlands.
  • 1154

    The “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” recorded its last entry.

    The “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” recorded its last entry.
  • 1167

    University of Oxford is Founded

    University of Oxford is Founded
  • Period: 1201 to 1300

    13th Century

    Bilingual word lists (Anglo-Saxon and Norman French) started being compiled.
  • 1204

    King John and England lost the French part of Normandy to the King of France

    King John and England lost the French part of Normandy to the King of France
    England became even more isolated from continental Europe which made the differences between Norman French and French of Paris more marked.
  • 1209

    University of Cambridge is Founded

    University of Cambridge is Founded
  • Period: 1301 to 1400

    14th Century

    English was the language mainly of the uneducated peasantry that many of the grammatical complexities and inflections of Old English gradually disappeared. Noun genders had almost completely died out, and adjectives, which once had up to 11 different inflections, were reduced to just two. Also, the final “e” in many, but not all, words had ceased to be pronounced
  • 1337

    The Hundred Years’ War

    The Hundred Years’ War
    It had the effect of branding French as the language of the enemy and the status of English rose as a consequence.
  • 1349

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    It killed about a third of the English population.
  • 1362

    The Statute of Pleading was adopted.

    The Statute of Pleading was adopted.
    It made English the official language of the courts and Parliament.
  • 1362

    Edward III addresses Parliament in English

    Edward III addresses Parliament in English
  • 1385

    English had become the language of instructions in schools.

    English had become the language of instructions in schools.