Middle Ages Timeline

  • Jan 1, 600


    The Middle ages began.
  • Jan 1, 677

    The Arabs Fail.

    The Arabs attack Constantinople but after a few years they failed.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Irish Monks

    The Irish Monks Established eary Medieval art. The greatest surviving product of these monks is the "Book of Kells" , a Gospel book of decorative art.
  • Jan 1, 1049


    The Cluniac monastic reform sparks interest in the reform of the clerical hierachy.
  • Jan 1, 1059

    Reforming Popes

    The reforming popes, following from the acts of Henry 111, issue a decree on papal elections which gives the cardinals sole right of appointing new popes
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    An infection from fleas
  • Jan 1, 1360

    Oil Painting

    With the introduction of Oil paiting into Western Europe, the earliest naturalistic painting is created.
  • Jan 1, 1399

    Death Pentalty in England

    The death Penalty becomes the punishment for heresy, and many lollards, wyclifs lay followers convert.
  • Mar 1, 1434


    The Medici banking family dominates the government of Florence
  • Otto

    Otto the Great is crowned King in germany and is responsible for Germanys Strength through the latter part of the eleventh century. Otto establishes a pattern of resistance to political fragmentation and a close alliance with the Church