Meudt Giver Vocabulary

By jmeudt
  • Utopia

    Definition - an ideal community or perfect society
    Sentence - Bob's town is the opposite of a utopia where the buildings are run down, their is much danger, the rules and laws are not well distributed, and lots of issues remain.
    Antonyms - imperfect, flawed
  • Conformity

    Definition - The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in
    Sentence - When I was getting ready for school this morning, we had agreed to wear all black, and even though I didn't like that idea, I went along with it so that I would be in conformity with the rest.
    Antonyms - unique, different
  • Recollection

    Definition - a memory of an event
    Sentence - Whenever I am learning dances, I need to make sure that I have a recollection of the choreography we learned in the previous week so that I can keep up.
    Antonyms - forgotten, unrecognized
  • Vast

    Definition - huge in size of extent; immense
    Sentence - When I look out the window at my Aunt's farm, it appears so vast and gigantic compared to my small backyard outside my house.
    Antonyms - Tiny, petite
  • Apprehensive

    Definition - uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
    Sentence - When I looked outside at the dark, gloomy sky, I felt extremely apprehensive about how our soccer practice was then going to go.
    Antonyms - comfortable, fearless
  • Chastise

    Definition - to discipline or to punish
    Sentence - Whenever our dog, Charlie, decides to pee in the house or chew up a pair of my slippers, we have to chastise him for his bad behavior, by putting him in the cage for the rest of the day.
    Antonyms - encouragement, praise