Meat packing history

  • The congress passed the meat inspection act

    This made it so that people of the us are not eating unsanitary meat withou their consent and that people will not be sick because of this meat and lastly this would make America a better place that does not eat rat poop and poison unknowingly and unwillingly.
  • The meat packing Union went on strike

    Workers felt as if the y pay and working conditions were just to hard to bear anymore and so went on strike.
  • The book "The Jungle "was published

    In is book Upton Sinclair went undercover into a meat packing factory to see the conditions first hand and wrote a book about the horrible conditions that he had seen which the president rossevelt read and decided that it was time to make a change.
  • The adamson act was passed

    On this day in history the adamson act was passed that said that their should be an 8 hour work day instead of these people working from dusk till dawn for very little to no pay so that they can spend time with their families and lead go lives and also be well rested
  • Workingsmen compensation act was passed

    This allowed working class people to get financial assistance so they can afford their families and lead a healthy life.