McCahon timline

  • 10 November 1975

    10 November 1975
    A letter from McCahon to the Park Board to state concern at requested changes as the new words glorify Tuhoe. McCahon had understood only one word was to be changed, however he would do as requested although other changes would be required to maintain the visual balance of the art work.
  • 31st July 1975

    31st July 1975;
    The Park Board sent a letter to the QEII Arts Council confirming that they will accept the mural subject and financial agreements for purchase.
  • 26 Augast 1975

    26th August 1975
    He received a letter from john scott to the park board saying hes been
    contacted by the lett gallery and McCahon Thinking about the changes. Scott asked the park board to ask John Rangihau to text McCahon about the words on his painting so he could get onto the work as soon as possible
  • 14 November 1975

    14 November 1975
    A letter from the Park Board to McCahon. john Rangihau was unavailable, so in order to resolve the impasse, Board member Mr Nikora had been approached concerning the required changes. He recommended that McCahon be asked whether he would accept the change to read: Ko Maungapohatu
    Te Maunga
    Ko Tuhoe
    Te lwi
  • 6 November 1975

    6 November 1975
    The Park Board sent a letter to McCahon saying that John Rangihau wants to change Maungapohatu is my mountain and tutakangahau are my people to
    Maungapohatu is my mountain,
    Waikare is my ocean
    Tahoe is my tribe.
  • 19 Janurary 1976

    19 January 1976
    A letter from McCahon to the Park Board to say he refused to make changes and would sell the painting on the dealer market.
  • 17 Feburary 1976

    17 February 1976
    It is noted that the Park Board discussed McCahon’s letter and his concerns about alternations were considered technical matters. The wording “KO TUTAKANGAHAU TE TANGATA” was considered historically inaccurate and likely to give offence Tuhoe. John Scott attempted attempted to negotiate. McCahon was unprepared to change the painting but offered a replica mural with altered wording.
  • 24 March 1976

    24 March 1976
    A letter from McCahon to the Park Board “it’s not a replacement but a rewrite of the first panel-a bit messy as I guessed it would be but it should be okay”
  • 1984

    The painting was removed and rehung in the reception area in order to make space for interpretive displays.During the 1980’s the painting was lent to the Dowse art Museum for a display in an exhibition of McCahon’s work. It was rehung at Aniwaniwa by Dowse art Museum personnel.
  • 1987

    Management of the painting became the responsibility of the newly formed department