Mastery #2

By nperk7
  • Introduction

    Nothing happens without events leading up to it whether it be an argument or a war there are always events that nlead up to an occurance.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    From New York to Lake Erie changed the economy in the 19th century.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Congress made Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state to keep a balance between slave and free states.
  • Period: to

    Bank War

    There was an attack on the second bank of the U.S. bank system and this happened because the bank system was very bad.
  • Textile Mills Wages

    Textile Mills Wages
    The womens wages were cut by 15%.
  • Souther Antebellum America

    Political: Strong state government and had better generals in their military
    Economic: Agricultural based economy and many large plantations in the South
    Social: Had less people than the North and had less immigration than the North
    Cultural: Relied heavily on slavery for their agricultural based enconomy, wanted less equality than the North because the plantation owners wanted to keep their slaves, also the plantation owners did not have to pay slaves
  • Northern Antebellum America

    Political: Strong central government, and lots of railroads many more that the south
    Economic: Very industrial based economy and manufacturing based which makes for better weapons in the future
    Social:More people from Europe were still pouring into New York, the Irish coming in would later be given guns and put into battle, and there was a lot more immigration
    Cultural: Wanted abolition for slavery and greater equalty but not complete equality, there were also many African American churches
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    This was the first big convention about womens rights. Many now famous women spoke at the convention and they talked about eqaulity, abolitionism, and many other things that make our nation great today.
  • Compromise Of 1850

    Compromise Of 1850
    The North and South still were arguing about slave and free states, the compromise was supposed to solve the problem. In result D.C. was abolished the South gained the Fugitive Slave Act and the North gained California as a free state.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The temperance movement was women trying to get alcohol banned which was later known as the prohibition.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas & Nebraska

    There was a series of violent political confrontations which happened because of popular sovereignty to vote on free or slave states.
  • Violence In The Senate

    Violence In The Senate
    Charles Sumner was beaten by Preston Brooks because Sumner was for slavery and Brooks didn't like that.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    A slave by the name of Dred Scott escaped from slavery and then tried to sue his owner but Stanford said that since Dred Scott was a slave he could not sue.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    The abolitionists were mad about slavery so lots of them raided and destroyed Harpers Ferry.
  • Lincoln Is Elected

    Lincoln Is Elected
    President Licoln was elected but his name was not even on the ballot which really enraged the South.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    The South was fed up with the country trying to end slavery so they split off and formed their own country the Confederacy. This is what started the civil war.
  • Confederate War Strategies

    Confederate War Strategies
    Act defensivley and do not attack the North or expand to the North.
  • Union War Strategies

    Union War Strategies
    Block the southern ports, capture their capitol which was nto that far from the Unions capitol. Also to split their team which will aplit the South's team and give the win to the Union.
  • Lincoln's 10% Plan

    Lincoln's 10% Plan
    As soon as 10% of those who voted in 1860 took the oath of allegiance the southern states could then return to the Union. For this plan to work Lincoln needed four of the souther states Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennesse and Virginia to move towards readmission for Lincoln'splan to work.
  • Lincoln's Strategies

    To joke with the average soldiers and to have one on one conversations as opposed to him talking to a big group. Used his old lawer knowledge to answer a question but not completely. Shared the points that Lincoln wanted to get across through analogies. Lincoln also liked short speeches.
  • Period: to

    The Reconstruction

    This is to show how long The Reconstruction was.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th amendment abolished slavery and indentured servitude except as punishment for a crime.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Equal protection for all citizens of the United States of America. This amendment also outlined the citizenship for the U.S. and said that anyone who was naturaly born in the U.S. was a United States citizen.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Prohibits the state or federal government to deny a citizen to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
  • The Reconstruction Cultural

    Blacks were still just being killed to get points across, many of the blacks in the South refused to morn the death of President Licoln and even one even hung themselves, also there was a law saying that blacks needed a job or they were breaking the law and it was hard for blacks to be hired for a job because they were still viewed as less than whites.
  • The Reconstruction Political

    The Reconstruction Political
    There was the Ku Klux Klan, Reconstruction Act, president Johnson went through and impeachment trial, and The Reconstruction was considered the Second Civil War. The slaves that were freed during the Civil War were the ones to suffer the most during The Reconstruction.
  • The Reconstruction Economic

    The Reconstruction Economic
    During the Reconstruction the former slave owners were losing money, the economy in the South fell because they lost the Civil War, the two big economincal achievements for former slave owners was sharecropping and tenant farming, Sharcropping would basically end the worker back into slavery and you would share your crops with the owner. There was also tenant farming which was when the workers wold actually be payed and they did not have to share crops.
  • The Reconstruction Social

    The Reconstruction Social
    John Wilksbooth was the first act of terror from the southern states, some blakc settlements were burned to the ground, there were scallywags who were white Republican Southerners, and the Reconstruction was a very very bloody time and was even called the Second Civil War.
  • Conclusion

    After looking through the goven events it is clear that many events led up to the Civil War and to the womens convetion at Seneca Falls.