Margaret fuller 181366109x 58bf174f3df78c353c3c998e

Margaret Fuller

  • birth date

    birth date
    Margaret Fuller was born on May, 23, 1810. Margaret's father was very disappointed that Margaret was a girl. Margaret didn't start school until she was 14 years old.
  • teaching her siblings

    teaching her siblings
    After Margaret's father died they struggled financially and was forced to teach her siblings. After she was done teaching her siblings she taught for Bronson Alcott then she taught at a school in Rhode island. She worked at this school for 2 years.
  • The school

    The school
    After Fuller was done teaching she went to visit Bronson Alcott. Bronson offered a job her a job at his Bronson Alcott.l. Fuller accepted the job offer, but Alcott was forced to close the school. Since Fuller was jobless at the time she took a teaching position at green street school.
  • the move

    the move
    Fuller moved her family to a rental house in Jamaica, five miles from Boston. In Elisabeth Peabody's bookstore Fuller had read several series of contraventions for woman in the surrounding area. women had little opportunity to use the knowledge.
  • women

    Margaret Fuller explained her view with a charity that bloomed the interests even more. She thought that women could have there own opinions on the matter outside the house. These events where very successful and they supported her for five years.
  • the book

    the book
    Margaret Fuller published her acclaimed transition of Eckermann’s Conversations with Goethe into shorter pieces. In 1840 she founded The Dial. The Dial is a literary and philosophical journal that she wrote.
  • the publish

    the publish
    In 1843 The Dial was published. She argued fir women's freedom to develop to their fullest potential. The result that she hoped, would be wholesale transformation of a society deformed by an imbalance between masculine and feminine principles.
  • summer of 1844

    summer of 1844
    In the summer of 1844 she published Summer on the Lakes.After The Dial ceased publication in 1844, Margaret Fuller moved to New York. Joined Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune as literary critic, becoming the first full-time book reviewer in journalism.