Marcus Garvey (King)

  • Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr was born

  • Traveled to Kingston, Jamicia, to be involved in union activities

  • Took part in a unsuccessful printer's strike which made a passion for political activism

  • Travld through central America working as a newspaper and writing about migrant workers in the plantations

  • Founded the Unversal Negro Improvement Association

  • formed a UNIA chapter in Harlem to promote a separatist philosophy of social, political, and economic freedom for blacks.

  • Started publishing Negro World to the community

  • launched the black star line

  • Garvey spoke in front of millions of UNIA members

  • Garvey and three other students charged with mail fraud

  • Garvey was convicted and sentenced to prison

  • Released from prison and was deported to Jamaica

  • Garvey continued his political activism and the work of UNIA in Jamaica, and then moved to London

  • The Greater Liberia Act of 1939 would deport 12 million African-Americans to Liberia at federal expense to relieve unemployment. The act failed in Congress

  • Marcus Garvey died in London after several strokes

  • his remains were exhumed and taken to Jamaica, where the government proclaimed him Jamaica's first national hero and re-interred him at a shrine in the National Heroes Park.