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Marching Toward War

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    Bismarck Forges Early Pacts

    Prussian's blood-and-iron chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, freely used war to unify Germany.
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    Franco-Prussian War & Military Alliances

    France had never gotten over the loss of AlsaceLorraine to Germany during this war.
    Growing rivalries and mutual mistrust had led to the creation of several military alliances among the Great Powers. This allied system had been designed to keep peace in Europe. But it would instead help push the continent into war,
  • Satisfied Power

    Bismarck declared Germany to be a "satisfied power." He then turned his energies to maintaining peace in Europe.
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    Duel Alliance-Triple Alliance

    Bismarck formed a Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Three years later, Italy joined the two countries, forming the Triple Alliance.
  • Treaty with Russia

    Bismarck took yet another possible ally away from France by making a treaty with Russia.
  • Policy- Forced Bismarck to resign- Wilhelm treaty

    Germany's foreign policy changed dramatically. In that year, Kaiser Wilhelm II forced Bismarck to resign, he didn't wish to share power with anyone.
    Wilhelm let his nation's treaty with Russia lapse in this year.
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    Defensive military alliance

    Russia responded by forming a defensive military alliance with France.
  • Prominent peace activist

    Frederic Passy, expressed a concern that many shared; "The entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another; through no one, it is true, wants to attack, and everybody protests his love of peace and determination to maintain it, yet the whole world feels that it only requires some unforeseen incident, some unpreventable accident, for the spark to fall in a flash... and blow all Europe sky-high."
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    In Europe..- Ottoman Empire declined

    While peace and harmony characterized Europe, there were less visible and darker forces at work as well. Europe witnessed several gradual developments that would ultimately boost the continent into war.
    The Ottoman Empire, which included the Balkan region, was in rapid decline. These people formed new nations, including Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.
  • Britain entente-(Triple Entente)-Rival Camps

    Britain made another entente, this time with both France and Russia. The Triple Entente, did not bind Britain to fight with France and Russia; however it did almost certainly ensure that Britain would not fight against them.
    On one side was the Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. On the other side was the Triple Entente- Great Britain, France and Russia. A dispute between two rival powers could draw all the nations of Europe into war.
  • Austria control

    Austria took over, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Standing Armies

    All great powers except Britain had large and strong armies, Military experts stressed the importance of being able to quickly mobilize, or organize and move troops in case of a war.
  • A shot rings throughout Europe

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, paid a state visit to Sarajevo. The royal pair was shot at point-blank range as they rode through the streets of Sarajevo in an open car, by a 19 year old Serbian and member of the Black Hand. (Secret society commited to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule.)
  • Serbia demands

    Austria presented Serbia with a an ultimatum containing numerous demands, so for not provocating a war between them, Serbian leaders agreed to most of Austria's demands.
  • Austria rejection

    Austria rejected Serbia's offer and declared war.