
Major Milestones in Special Education in the United States

By Eliska
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarder Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1971

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarder Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1971
    Association for Retarded Children (PARC) sued Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for denying education for children with mental disabilities. Many children were denied education based on their mental condition. PARC was the first legal​challenge trying to provide an equal education for all children.
  • Rehabilitation Act, Section 504, 1973

    Rehabilitation Act, Section 504, 1973
    The Rehabilitation Act is a federal law protecting students with disabilities. This act applies to​ public elementary and secondary schools and ensures that students with disabilities are not excluded from an education process or any other activity related to education.
  • Educational Amendments Act, 1974

    Educational Amendments Act, 1974
    Educational Amendments Act provides federal funds to states for creating educational programs for exceptional learners, as well as for gifted students.
  • Education for All Handicap Children, 1975

    Education for All Handicap Children, 1975
    According to Education for All Handicap Children Act in 1975, State and local educational agencies receiving​ Federal Funds have a responsibility to provide education for all handicap (mentally and physically) children, and to provide related services necessary to provide education to all children in the United States.
  • Florida Education Equity Act, 1984

    Florida Education Equity Act, 1984
    Florida Education Equity Act ensures equal opportunities for all students and employees​ in the Florida K-20 public educational system, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or marital status.
  • Americans with Disabilities act, 1990

    Americans with Disabilities act, 1990
    Americans with Disabilities Act provides protection against discrimination based on disabilities on state and local government level. This Act applies to​ any services, programs, public schools, and activities regardless of whether they receive a Federal financial assistance or not.
    Americans with Disabilities Act shares
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1990

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1990
    A law that allows all children with disabilities an access to free and appropriate education across the nation and ensures a special education and services to those children.
    The main purpose is to provide free public education and special education and services to children with disabilities in order to meet their unique needs.
    Individual with Disabilities Education Act also ensures that rights of children with disabilities and their families are protected.
  • No Child Left Behind, 2002

    No Child Left Behind, 2002
    All students will receive equal education opportunities. Allows schools and local governments to decide how they use federal education funds in order to improve stents achievement based on their Adequate Yearly Progress. Adequate Yearly Progress is based on the school testing accountability.
    In December 2015, No Child Left Behind was replaced by Ever Student Succeeds Act.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), 2004

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), 2004
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act is a re-authorization of the ​previous Individual with Disabilities Education Act. IDEIA allows districts to decide if a child has a specific disability, increase standards for special education licensure and prevents disproportionate representation of students in special education by race and ethnicity.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015

    Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015
    Every Student Succeeds Act is a modification of a previous No Child Left Behind Act.
    ESSA is the first legal action that requires all students to be taught according to high academic standards in order to prepare them for their future careers and college. It also continues to promote services and education for students with disabilities and supports growth and development of low-performing schools as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWQGmU-J80Q&t=49s