Lucas Priestley acts timeline

  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    THe goal of these acts were to make the trade from the colonies only benefit Brittain.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This act kept colonist from moving into the land obtained by the british in the french indian war. This angered colonist and stopped expansion of the colonies.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    Lowered taxes on items so that colonist would actually pay them.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    A new tax that made colonist pay extra for printed or legal document which angered colonist.
  • Declatory Act

    act that stated that Parliament had all right to tax and control the colonies
  • Townshend act

    Townshend act
    Act that created a tax on godds imported into the colonies from england.
  • tea act

    tea act
    This was an act that raised taxes on tea and other beverages.
  • Coercive Acts (intolerable acts)

    Coercive Acts (intolerable acts)
    A sieries of acts meant to punish bostionians for the boston tea party.
  • Quebeck act

    Quebeck act
    Brittain created a new colony in an area where the american colonist layed clam to