Book lord flies jpg 280x450 q85


  • Ralph meets Piggy. (7-8)

    Ralph meets Piggy. (7-8)
    Ralph and Piggy meet on the beach, but Ralph isnt that concerned with what Piggy is saying cause he just wants to know where he is and what is going on.
  • Finding/Using the conch shell. (15)

    Finding/Using the conch shell. (15)
    Piggy found the conch shell and taught Ralph how to use the conch shell so that they can gather others that are on the island.
  • Picking a leader. (22-23)

    Picking a leader. (22-23)
    Jack wanted to be the leader of everybody but they chanted for Ralph to be the leader of all of them. They thought he would be a better leader than Jack
  • Ralph calls a meeting for everyone (32)

    Ralph calls a meeting for everyone (32)
    Ralph has a meeting with everyone so they can all be in order, give people jobs, and talk to them about what they need to so that they can be rescued.
  • Mulberry Birthmark Boy (33-35)

    Mulberry Birthmark Boy (33-35)
    The boy grabbed the conch shell and spoke to everyone even though he was shy explaining that there was a "snake-thing". Nobody believed the boy who saw the snake they said it was a bad nightmare.
  • Piggy is upset. (40-41)

    Piggy is upset. (40-41)
    Piggy is upset because no one is listening to what he has to say! he is also upset that Ralph said he is useless and doesnt want him to do anything. Then they were going to use his glasses for the fire but Ralph just told them to get more wood.
  • Hunting for MEAT! (48-49)

    Hunting for MEAT! (48-49)
    Jack went crazy obsessed for killing a pig he even followed its droppings. But he ends up failing and doesn't catch a pig.
  • Jack and Ralph argue. (50-52)

    Jack and Ralph argue. (50-52)
    Jack is so into hunting! and Ralph is mad because he is not bringing anything back for everyone to eat. Meanwhile Ralph is more worried about starting a fire/smoke and getting rescued.
  • Simon and the Littlun's. (55-57)

    Simon and the Littlun's. (55-57)
    Simons helps the Littlun's who cant reach the fruit that are in the tall trees. Simon is a loner but he only talks with Ralph.
  • Sandcastles& Littluns (59)

    Sandcastles& Littluns (59)
    Simon, Robert and Maurice go to the littluns and knock down there sand castles and kick the sand in there eyes. It shows that they are immature.
  • Painted faces

    Painted faces
    All the boys go out hunting to get some food that Jack never caught yet.