Lord of the flies

Lord of the Flies

  • Plane Crash on the Island

    Plane Crash on the Island
    A plane, carrying a group of London school boys, was shot down over an abandoned island. The pilot is gone, and no one knows aproximately how many boys there were all together. The first two boys to explore the island is Ralph and Piggy.
  • Coming together

    Coming together
    Ralph and Piggy discover a conch shell in the ground when they were first exploring, They had no clue as to how many boys there were exactly. When Ralph blew into the shell, it made a loud noise and soon enough, the other boys started to appear on the beach. Once everyone arrived, Piggy wanted to take attendance to know everyone that was there. But with all of the commotion, he didn't get a chance to.
    The shell caused the boys to come together and make rules to keep them from going into savagery
  • Fire on the Mountain

    Fire on the Mountain
    The boys agreed that they needed to be found on the island. Before anything happened, everyone voted and the boys determined that Ralph would be the leader and Jack would be the leader of the hunters.
    Ralph decided that in order to be found on the island, they would need to build a fire and not let it go out. So the boys went up to the top of the mountain and started to make a fire. When everyone started to build the fire, one of the littl'uns got stuck in the fire and died.
  • Period: to

    Decent into savagery

  • Broken Specs

    Broken Specs
    Piggy's specs had fallen off his face when Jack slapped him in the face. They flew off of his face and hit the rocks. Simon grabbed them and handed them to Piggy before anyone else could get them. One side shattered so he could only see out of one side of them.
  • Throwing Rocks

    Throwing Rocks
    Roger was throwing Rocks at the littl'uns. He was being careful not to actually hit them, but he was throwing the stones at them being as rude as possible. This shows how evil he really is. And is foreshadowing how Roger kills Piggy.
  • Huts on the beach

    Huts on the beach
    Ralph and the litt'uns that followed him began to build huts on the beach. They needed shelters to stay out of the cold and out of the wind and rain. Soon after, the littl'uns got bored and stopped what they were doing and went swimming.
  • The first hunt

    The first hunt
    Jack and his hunters decided to hunt to get meat for all the other boys, while Ralph and everyone else built shelters.
    Jack and his hunters tried to get a pig, but they didn't succed. They didn't have much experience and they weren't ready to. That night they had no meat to eat. It is mostly Jack's fault beause when he goes to kill the pig, he backs out and ends up letting it go.
  • Painted Faces

    Painted Faces
    The hunters paint their faces to show everyone that they are the hunters. They start to act like real hunters. Although Ralph believes there is no point in doing this because they will soon get rescued,
  • The fire's out

    The fire's out
    Jack and his hunters were suppose to watch over the fire, but when they were hunting, there was a ship out to sea. They had killed a pig and were so excited, they forgot about the fire. The people on the ship would've seen the fire, but it went out. Ralph and Jack were having an argument because Jack thinks food is more important than being found. But Ralph thinks being found is more important.
  • The Beasts

    The Beasts
    As the boys stay longer on the island, they begin to have bad dreams about their own fears. Unfortunetly, their fears are making them believe that there really are beasts on the island. In order to make them try and forget about their fears, the boys say that the only other things on the island are the pigs and there are no such thing as beasts.
  • Fears for real

    Fears for real
    Late one night, Simon and Ralph took a littl'un back to the shelter to sleep, but before they all went to bed, A parachutist falls from the sky, already dead, and lands upon rocks and gets tangled. The boys see this and it makes the boys start to believe that there really are beasts on the island.
  • Eye of Future

    Eye of Future
    Ralph starts to believe that they will never get off the island. Simon, who has epilepsy, begins to talk to Ralph. What simon says to Ralph is "You'll get back alright..." Simon does not say that "we" will get back alright. But just Ralph
  • Play hunting?

    Play hunting?
    They boys start to fight for play, pretending that one is the hunter and one is the pig. This is foreshadowing for what is to come in the future. when the hunters mistake one of the boys for a pig.
  • New tribes.

    New tribes.
    Jack begins to dislike Ralph and cannot take him being the leader any longer. So Jack finally decides to create his own tribe and all of the hunters belong in it.
    Jack is starting to show that he wants to be the one in charge and he doesnt want any other competition because it will be dangerous for him.
  • Simon's worst seizure

    Simon's worst seizure
    Simon goes to the pigs head, and begins to have a seizure. He believes the pigs head is taking to him. This seizure is by far the worst seizure Simon has ever had. When Simon awakes from his siezure, he stumbles out of the forest and into the circle of hunters who are worshiping the pigs head.
  • New Tribe

    New Tribe
    Jack and his hunters now live on Castle Rock, and that is where they feast and worship pigs that they kill. Everytime they kill a pig, they put the pigs head on a pole and stick the pole in the ground.
  • Simon's death

    Simon's death
    One night, when Jack's tribe is worshiping a pig, Simon accidentally stumbles into their worshiping spot. And the hunters mistake Simon for a pig and they kill him.
  • Stolen Specs

    Stolen Specs
    Jack and Roger need to build a fire, but have nothing to make the fire with. So they head down the mountain and beat everyone in Ralph's tribe, except for Ralph and Piggy. They stole piggy's spectacles.
  • Urge for Food

    Urge for Food
    Ralph and Piggy needed food because they were very hungry. So they had to walk up to Castle rock to get their food. But when they reach Castle Rock, they see the pigs head and their fears are begginning to come back.
  • Piggy's death

    Piggy's death
    In the beginning of the book, Roger was throwing rocks at the littl'uns and that had foreshadowed what was to happen now. Piggy was crushed underneath the rocks that Roger rolled ontop of him. This killed him and Roger didn't care. Of coarse he did this on purpose.
  • Hunting Ralph

    Hunting Ralph
    Jack and his hunters decide to hunt ralph, because they see him as a threat. Ralph has lasted while the other boys have died. Jack and Roger were hunting him while the whole island was up in flames.