Looking for alaska

Looking for Alaska

By 111022
  • 128 days before

    Miles wants to go and search for the Great Perhaps. He moves into Culver Creek Boarding School and meets his roommate Chip. Chip introduces him to Alaska and Takumi. This is also where Miles first meets Mr. Starnes, The Eagle. This will als be the first day that Miles smokes a cigarette.
  • 127 days before

    As Miles gets settled in he gets the midnight Culver Creek welcoming. But this time something is different. Instead of just being blindfolded and thrown into the lake, Miles is duck-taped and then thrown in by Kevin and his bundies. This and Chips shoes are peed in. This happened because the weekday warriors think that Chip snitched about something.
  • 121 days before

    Chip is getting ready for his date with his girlfriend, Sara. When she gets there she complains about what chip is wearing. They argue and fight but don't break up. Chip tells Miles that this is the normal. This is the first time that Miles meets Sara.
  • 109 days before

    Chip takes Miles to his first Culver Creek basketball game and explains how bad of a team they are. This is where Kevin asks Chip for a truce because he is scared that Chip will prank him back, but worse. We also learn that Chip tries to get thrown out of the games. He says that he has been thrown out of 37 straight games.
  • 101 days before

    This is the day that Alaska drives a few people to McDonalds for lunch to help them study for their precalculus test. This is the first day that Miles meets Lara, and they sort of start talking.
  • 99 days before

    This is the first day that Miles and his friends are busted for smoking by The Eagle. The next day Miles learns what to do if he ever gets into a situation like this.
  • 87 days before

    Miles goes on a triple and a half date with Lara as his girlfriend. He ends up getting hit in the head with a basketball and gets a concussion, then he throws up on Lara's clothes.
  • 52 days before

    Miles has decided to stay at Culver Creek with Alaska over Thanksgiving Break. He was planning on going home to his parents but Alaska persuaded him differently. Over this break Miles and Alaska get to know each other really well. This is what makes Miles wanted Alaska even more.
  • 47 days before

    Chip comes back to Culver creek to surprise Alaska and Miles, by telling them that he is taking them to his place to share Thanksgiving dinner with them. They had a good dinner and a good time together.
  • 44 days before

    Miles was in a lounge room on campus called room 43 and Alaska comes running in crying. This was surprising to Miles because he was not used to a sad Alaska. She talks to him and says that she always ruins everything.
  • 17 days before

    Everyone goes home for break, even Alaska and Miles. Miles studies almost the entire time just to keep his grades up.
  • 8 days before

    Alaska comes back from winter break and tells the rest of the group that they need to do a pre prank. Every year the junior and senior class do a prank so The Eagle is always ready, but only for one prank. If they do a pre tank The Eagle won't be ready for the second one. Alaska and Chip plan the whole thing without any of the other group members.
  • 3 days before

    Up until this point Miles has only been told minimal details, so he is ready to know what the prank is supposed to be.
    The Prank: Chip tells The Eagle that he is taking Miles and Takumi home with him for the weekend. Lara said that she was going to Atlanta Georgia for the weekend. Alaska said that she was gonna spend the weekend with her boyfriend, Jake. They were all accounted for.
  • 3 days before

    Plan Cont...: Miles and Takumi set off multiple fireworks around campus running from The Eagle to lead him away from where his computer is. While this happens Chip and Alaska hack into his computer and send home progress reports to Kevin and his friends. Meanwhile Lara is putting and chemical into the hair products of Kevin and his friends'. This chemical will dye their hair blue. Then they will spend that night in the barn in the woods.
    They end up pulling off the plan, perfectly.
  • 2 days before

    They drink the rest of their alcohol in the morning after the prank, that night they all talk about their best days and their worst days. Lara and Miles end up making out at the end of the night.
  • The last day

    That morning Kevin walks into Mile's and Chip's room. They comment on his new hair cut because he shaved it all off as soon as he realized there was blue dye. Chip and Miles go to Alaska's room to celebrate their barn night success. They play truth or dare and Alaska ends up making out with Miles. In the middle of the night the phone rings and Alaska gets up to answer it. When she comes back in the room she is crying and saying, "HELP ME GET OUT OF HERE."
  • The day after

    The Eagle calls everyone to the gym. He announces that Alaska has died in a car accident during the night. The Eagle said that she drove off campus onto I-65, where a truck had jack-knifed blocking both lanes. He said that she ran right into a police car without swerving and that she was heavily intoxicated. Miles and Chip think that it's all their fault.
  • 2 days after

    Miles and Chip have thoughts racing through their heads. they are trying to figure what happened the night before and how they could've stopped it.
  • 6 days after

    Alaska's Funeral. Miles and Chip arrive early before any of their classmates. They talked to her and to each other.
  • 9 days after

    Chip starts to really try to solve the mystery of what happened but Miles doesn't really want to.
  • 14 days after

    Miles is now sorta part of the investigation and they are looking at evidence to see if it was a suicide, the only thing is that there weren't that many signs before hand that showed that she wanted to commit suicide.
  • 27 days after

    Chip thinks that if they can see how drunk Alaska felt then they may be able to see if she could even focus on the road. Miles distracts The Eagle, while Chip grabs his breathalyzer.
  • 29 days after

    Takumi doesn't know that Miles and Chip helped Alaska get away that night. Also there have not been letting them in on their investigation, until now. This is the night that they tell him what they know and what happened.
  • 62 days after

    While on the phone with his mom, Miles sees a small drawing that Alaska had drawn, probably the night that she died.
  • 83 days after

    Chip returns from spring break with a notebook filled with the final prank. This prank will be done for Alaska.
  • 102 days after

    Every year after spring break the Junior and senior class each pick a speaker to speak on speaker day. This is part of the prank, Chip has asked a male stripper to act as their speaker and all he has to do is follow a script. This is the biggest prank yet.
  • 114 days after

    Miles and chip come back to their room to find Takumi in their room. He says that on Jan. 10 many years ago Alaska's mother died. She was going to visit her mother on the anniversary. The mystery was finally solved!
  • 136 days after

    Miles comes back from his dorm room and finds a letter from Takumi. When he opens it he finds out that Alaska picked white flowers that night and talked to Takumi. In the letter it said that she told him wear she was going and he didn't tell them because he thought her death was all his fault and he became jealous when he found out that Miles made out with her.