
LOGISTIC - Paola Gutierrez- VI Sem.

By plos
  • 406

    Sun Tzu dies.

    Sun Tzu died when he was around 48 years old. His book, the Art of War, was not very popular yet, but was still used by some Chinese generals
  • 500

    Northern States begin building Great Wall of China

    The Northern States were building the Great Wall to keep out the Barbarians and protect their land.
  • 506

    Peace between major states breaks

    The peace between the major states was broken by King Wu, who did not sign the pact of Shangch'iu, which was a pact that was supposed to stop the Chinese states from fighting one another.
  • 510

    Sun Tzu writes the Art of War

    Sun Tzu writes the Art of War
    The Art of War is what Sun Tzu is most known for. It is a book on military strategy that changed the way war was fought forever. This was also the year that Wu employed Sun Tzu
  • 514

    King Helü of Wu comes into power

    King Helü of Wu was the king of the state of Wu from 514 BC to 496 BC. He is also the person who employed Sun Tzu as a military strategist.
  • 544

    Dominance of Yang Hu in LU

    Yang Hu was the military general from the state of Lu. He was rumored to be as intelligent as Confucius and a great military strategist.

    The potential of integral logistics and the awareness of total costs are discovered.
    The cost approach as a systemic structure allowed to reveal that to arrive at the cost
    minor total, it is not always necessary to cut or eliminate a part of the process,
    important is to increase the effectiveness with which tasks are carried out to eliminate

    Due to the client's demand for a better service, the performance of the
    logistics to improve the quality and delivery time, so that companies could
    Position yourself better and achieve a competitive advantage. This new concept was called
    cost-service balance.

    Companies begin to focus and specialize in logistics, making it their
    unique economic activity, with which its specialization led it to reduce the costs of
    same This encourages companies that do not use logistics to turn to logistics.
    these companies that are, because their subcontracting represented a cost
    minor to do it by themselves. Which means that this era was characterized by
    the outsourcing of non-specialized organizations

    For this period it was not enough to outsource organizations, companies
    they needed to use the concept of just in time in the orders, this means
    that the exact amount would be delivered, at the exact time, in the exact time
    it was necessary. With this, it was possible to have an accurate control of the quantity of materials
    that were necessary, as well as the optimization of time and resources. This approach was
    used particularly by the aeronautical industries

    The just in time approach that was originally used in the companies only for its
    supply finally arrives the final consumer, by exact deliveries when and in the
    where they are necessary, this concept is called quick response. This strategy
    was essentially used to eliminate the costs of maintaining sales shelves and
    increase the diversification that is offered to the final consumer.

    At this time the focus evolves from being just an effort of the company to improve
    its logistics to improve relations with customers, distinguishing between these
    most important customers (strategic customers) and likewise improve relationships
    with suppliers and establish alliances with them.

    The strategic planning of organizations no longer only covers our customers
    and our suppliers, if not a chain of suppliers is set up,
    producers and distributors that covers everything from the collection of the raw material to the
    final consumer, using not only outsourcing and just in time but also
    developing a commitment of all those who form this chain to generate a
    economic production if not with some added value.
  • UPS y DHL the delivery of packages with drones

    UPS y DHL the delivery of packages with drones
    The two giants of the parcel industry, UPS and DHL, are struggling to gain the largest market share in the delivery of packages through the use of drones. The agreement that UPS has established with Zipline and version 3.0 of DHL's Parcelcopter is the letter of presentation of both companies to prevail in the market.

    Amazon marks a milestone in its history with first delivery via drone.