Logan Myers Project

  • Period: to


    American literature during this time period was mostly political, and it came in the form of pamphlets, speeches, and newspapers/almanacs. The topics of the literature centered on politics: relations with Great Britain and the nature of government. Americans were still not writing any fiction or drama. The style of writing in most colonial pieces can be best described as persuasive. Unlike the private soul-searching of the Puritans, much of what was produced by the Colonists was public writing.
  • The Puritans' Journey on the Mayflower

    The Mayflower was hired in London and sailed to Southampton in July off 1620 to begin loading supplies for the voyage. The Pilgrims mostly lived in Leiden. They hired the speedwell to take them to meet the Mayflower. Right as they were about to start the voyage the speedwell started leaking. Thye had to spend a week patching it up!
  • The Pilgrims Arrival in the New World

    The Puritans wrote mostly historical/factual documents,poetry, and sermons. The topics of the literature centered on self-reflection, the glorification of God, and sin and redemption. They didnt write fiction or drama, which were considered sinful. There style can be best described ad plain. They valued clarity of content over a clever style, a clever or ornate style would be a sign of vanity, which was a sin!
  • The Pilgrims Arrival in the New World 1

    The Pilgrims finally made it. After a long harsh battle. Once they got there it was a lot later in the year than they had expected because the speedwell lost so much time and there was so much time spent on sea. Once they arrived the first thing they did was drop on there knees and pray to God.
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    Edward Taylor's "Upon a Spider Catching a Fly"

    This was a poem about sin. It described how a spider spun a web and that was suppose to be hell. Well a wasp flew into in and escaped which was described as a saint so he couldnt be captured! Then a fly flew in and got stuck and got eaten which describes his sinning>
  • Of Plymouth Plantation

    Of Plymouth Plantation talked about the hardships they faced in order to get the land how they needed. uch as, building all the houses and planting the crops in the best location so they grow the fastest and the best. He explained what it wouldve been like if you were there!
  • Upon the Burning of Our House

    This was a true story. Anne Bradstreet wanted to describe what it had been like to lose something but not be so depressed for it. She showed that we need to thank god for everything because she thanked God for burning her house down. She thought thats what he wanted because if it happened god wanted it to.
  • Wonders of the Invisible World

    This book was about the Salem Witch Trails. They gave detailed descriptions about each and described there punishment. He described how he felt about each and what he tought about the whole witch thing in general. I believe this is a good piece
  • Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hnads of an Angry God

    This is a sermon written by a Colonial Christian Jonathan Edwards. He Preached this to his own church to scare people out of sinning and then it was found and used again in Enfield, Connecticut. It described what god would do to you if he caught you sinning. It described horrible torcherment and a lot of stuff no one would ever go through!
  • Ben Frank's Speech of Polly Baker, Dialouge with the Gout, and The Autobiography

    The Speech of Polly Baker was a fictional piece about a girl who was supposely having illegitimate children. She has been convicted four times for the same thing! In her speech she describes not only why she shouldnt be in trouble but why she should be praised for resupplying the world with her very children! The Gout was him talking to his toe gout saying why and he got told why he was pretty much talking to himself the whole time during this.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War began because the North American conflict began to increase day by day and it got out of hand. The battle started in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763! I believe that all this couldve been avoided but they dont know how to avoid stuff in america!
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation was issued by King George 3. It was to sign settlement over the North American terroitory they had wanted! It raised a lot of rage and they finally claimed the terriotory after they won the Seven Years War. It is a lot of bullcrap
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was a law that required the Colonists to pay a tax on virtually every printed paper including legal documents and even playing cards and dice. This made the Colonists mad because they already payed enough tax on everything else and they couldnt afford to pay tax on more stuff that didnt need to be payed for!
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Acts were a few acts passed in 1767. It had to do with the glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea Imported to the colonies! The acts are named after Charles Tonshend who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who proposed the Program! This was a huge deal and only lasted a few years!
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was started by the colonist's over and over hitting the British with rocks and clubs but once they all gathered around the British it got bad! They colonists came in large numbers and so the Britains called for backup and then one shot sprung out unordered which caused all the others to shoot!
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act was an act that put a tax on tea and it led to the Boston Tea Party. The British were doing everything and anything to make th colonists mad and everything they tried was working. They enraged the Colonist's just so they could get what they wanted
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was pretty much a rebellion against the British for putting a tax on the tea. They dressed up as indians and stormed on a British ship and took all the tea and dumped it straight into the Harbor this was started by The Tea Act!
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts were a punishment to the Colonist's for the Defiance. It was a series of laws and it just caused a lot more problems and it didnt last that long. The Biristh kept doing the stupidest things to punish the colonists and they ended up punishing thereselves.
  • Patrick Henry's Speech in the Virginia Convention

    This Speech is very well known. During this speech Patrick Henry gives his famous "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!" Speech which left the crowd in an uproar and just put gas right on the flames of the fight. He explained how he was sick of getiing pushed around and it wasnt happening anymore he was going to fight
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride was straigh to Lexington to notify the Minutemen that the british were coming. Something that ruined my whole life is that i found out he didnt say the british are coming he said the regulars are coming i grew up all in the wrong!
  • Lexington & Concord Battles

    The Lexington and Concord Battles were started by Paul Revere notifying the Minutemen that the Britsh were on the way to take there weapons and other supplies! They were all in place by time the British got there and they defeated the British army of 700 soldiers and the surprise victoyry started their cofidence.
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    The American Revolutionary War

    The American Revolutionary War was fought in 1775 to 1783 and it was also known as the American War of Independence. The war began with the confrontation between British troops and local militia at Lexington And Concord.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This is one of the biggest documents ever wrote. This piece described all the wrong things that the king did and it grant our independence from Britain! John Hancock was the first person to ever sign this and that was a huge deal because that meant it worked and we were free!
  • Thomas Paine's The Crisis

    Thomas Paine's The Crisis described the hardships all of our troops went through and how they suffered. But it also made them want to fight more because he motivated them to keep going and thats exactly what they did! They didnt give up even through all the crap they went through!
  • The End of the Revolution

    Its All over now no more worries for the rest of your days. Hakuna Matata