Charming rabbits13

LMS6-Hannah Wheeler-Timeline

  • Birth

    On July, 16 2004 I was born in Ogden, Utah. My parents are Laura and Ryan Wheeler.
  • I Got a Brother

    I Got a Brother
    In May of 2006 I got a younger brother. I already had an older brother named Harrison but I finally got a younger brother. His name is Cole. Later on in 2008 I got another younger brother named Tanner.
  • Moved

    In Nvoember I moved from Utah, were I had grown up for the 5 years I had been alive, to Texas. When we got there we stayed in an apartment until January.
  • I Got a Sister

    I Got a Sister
    In 2011 I got a sister after having one aldoer brother and two younger brothers. My sisters name is Lydia.
  • Reuion on my Dad's Side

    Reuion on my Dad's Side
    In July of 2013 we went to Colorado for a reuion that my family was in charge of for my dad's side of the family. At our reuion me and my cosins went to see some wolves.
  • Moved Again

    Moved Again
    In Aguest, three day before school started, I moved from Texas to Missouri. My family stayed in a hotel the fist night in Missouri.
  • First Day at New School

    First Day at New School
    Three days after I moved to Missouri I started 4th grade at a new school, Lillian Schumacher. My teacher in 4th grade was Ms. Townsend (I may have spelled that wrong). I was really nervous but I had a great time in 4th grade.
  • I Went to Yellowstone

    I Went to Yellowstone
    I went to yellowstone with my cosins and we had a great time. But we didn't end up seeing a bear.
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    On Augest of 2015 I went here for my first day of middle school. I was really nervous but I really like it here.