Lifetime Personal Health

  • Tips for your Twenties

    Tips for your Twenties
    -Eat a healthy diet -Exercise regularly/ maintain a healthy weight -Important nutrients -Don't smoke -Avoid illegal substances/ keep alcohol consumption to a minimum -Wear your seatbelt -Don't use your cell phone while driving -Get enough sleep
  • Tips for your Thirties

    Tips for your Thirties
    -Maintain a healthy weight -Eat a healthy diet -Exercise regularly -Get enough sleep -Reduce stress -Limit sodium in your diet
  • Tips for your Forties

    Tips for your Forties
    Healthy habits like eating right, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not smoking, drinking alcohol only in moderation, and wearing your seat belt. Start getting screenings to make sure there are no health concerns.
  • Fab in your Fifties

    Fab in your Fifties
    -Eat healthy -Stay physically and mentally active -Challenge your mind -Maintain a healthy weight -Do not smoke or use tobacco products -Get enough sleep -Reduce stress
  • Tips for your Sixties

    Tips for your Sixties
    -Quit smoking -Protect your heart -Maintain a healthy weight -Exercise regularly -Eat healthy -See your healthcare provider regularly