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Discovery of the Elements

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Tin (Se)

    Tin (Se)
    Tin (Atomic number 50) was discovered by the anceients in the early times.
    Health affects of Tin: Humans can absorb tin bonds through food, breathing and through the skin. It can cause dizziness, eye and skin irritation, Headaches, and liver damage. Read more:
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Sulfur (S)

    Sulfur (S)
    Noone knows the exact date sulfur was discovered but scientist agree it would of been around 2000B.C. Atomic number 16
    HEALTH EFFECTS all living things need sulfur in order to live
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Carbon (C)

    Carbon (C)
    Carbon was discovered by the ancients and it is unknow the time discovered. Sometime in Prehistory. Carbons atomic number is 6. It has a low toxicity.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Lead (Pb)

    Lead (Pb)
    Leads atomic number is 82. Lead was also discovered independently by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Chinese. Lead is poisonous. If you intake high amounts you can become very ill.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Silver (Ag)

    Silver (Ag)
    Silver was discovered by the Ancients.Silver can cause blue/black skin from being absorbed.
    Eye Contact: Corneal Injury
    Skin Contact: Skin Irritation
    Inhale: Dizziness, headaches or trouble breathing.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Mercury (Hg)

    Mercury (Hg)
    Mercury was discovered in ancient times. Atomic number 80
    HEALTH EFFECTS very toxic, can alter genetic and enzyme systems and damage nervous system.
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Arsenic (As)

    Arsenic (As)
    Aresinc was dicovered during the bronze age by Albertus Magnus in 1250.
    Health effects: Arsenic is one of the most toxic elements that can be found.high exposure to arsenic can cause infertility and miscarriages with women, and it can cause skin disturbances, declined resistance to infections, heart disruptions and brain damage.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Element Dates

  • Phosphorus (P) 15

    Phosphorus (P) 15
    Phosphorus was discovered in 1669 in Germany by a man named Hennig Brand.
    Health Effects:
    Gastrointestinal effects, severe effects on the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system . Inhalation exposure has resulted in respiratory tract irritation and coughing in humans.
  • Antimony (Sb)

    Antimony (Sb)
    A french chemisist Nicolas Lémery discovered Antimony in 1707. It has an atomic number of 51
    Health Effects: Exposure to Antimony for a longer period of time can cause irritation of the eyes, skin and lungs.As the exposure continues more serious health effects may occur, such as lung diseases, heart problems, diarrhea, severe vomiting and stomach ulcers.
  • Platinum (Pt)

    Platinum (Pt)
    Was discovered by Julius Scaliger.cThey symbol is Pt.
    <b>Health Effects<b/>
    Platinum as a metal is not very dangerous, but platinum salts can cause several health effects, such as:
    DNA alterations, Cancer, Allergic reactions of the skin and the mucous membrane, Damage to organs, such as intestines, kidneys and bone marrow, Hearing damage
  • Cobalt (Co)

    Cobalt (Co)
    Was discovered by George Brandt. The symbol is Co.
    <b>Health Effects<b/>
    This can cause sterility, hair loss, vomiting, bleeding, diarrhoea, coma and even death. This radiation is sometimes used with cancer-patients to destroy tumors. These patients also suffer from hair loss, diarrhea and vomiting
  • Zinc (Zn)

    Zinc (Zn)
    Zinc is a metallic chemical element. Zinc was found in 1746 by Andreas Marggraf. The name comes from the German word zin (meaning tin). It's atomic number is 30. It belongs to the family of other metals. Some health effects of zinc are that when someone doesn't get enough zinc they begin to loose their apetitie, decrease of taste and smell and slow wound healing and skin sores. When people absorb to much zinc they may experience stomach cramps.
  • Chlorine (Cl)

    Chlorine (Cl)
    Chlorine (atomic number 17) was discovered by Carl Welhlm Scheele in 1774. Health Effects:
    It is a respiratory irritant. The gas irritates the mucous membranes and the liquid burns the skin. Chlorine
  • Oxygen (O) 8

    Oxygen (O) 8
    Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestly in 1774. Health Effects: Every person, animal, or plant need oxygen to survive. But to much oxygen at one time may not be good, especially for people with lung problems because there lungs may not be strong enough to handle it. The natural oxygen that we take in everyday is about 50-100%, to much oxygen at one time may cause somebody to die.
  • Molybdenum (Mo)

    Molybdenum (Mo)
    Molybdenum was discovered by Carl Welhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist,in 1778 in a mineral known as molybdenite (MoS2). The Atomic number is 42.
    <b>The health effects</b> are more commonly seen in animals. Consuming to much Molybdenum can cause diarrhea, growth retardation, infertility, and low birth weight.It also can effect lungs, kidney and the liver.
  • Tellurium (Te)

    Tellurium (Te)
    Tellurium (atomic number 52) was first discovered by Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein in Romania in 1782. <b>Health Effects: </b>In small amounts, it irritates the eyes and lungs, but in larger doses may have bad effects on the liver. You may notice you are exposed to it, because your breath smells like garlic (link)
  • Tellurium (Te)

    Tellurium (Te)
    Tellurium was discovered by Franz Mulur. The atomic number is 52. This element should only be handled by chemists. Small amounts cause dreadful breathe and body odor.
  • Tungsten (W) 74

    Tungsten (W) 74
    The de Elhuyar brothers found an acid in wolframite in 1783 that they succeeded in reducing to the elemental metal with charcoal.
    Health Effects: Although scientists think that tungsten seems much less toxic than lead or mercury, they do not know its exact health and environmental effects.
  • Silicon (Si)

    Silicon (Si)
    Silicon was first discovered by Antoine Lavoisier. The atomic number is 14. Silicon is mainly found in tissue and skin. It is a non-toxic element.
    health Effects:
    Lung Cancer
    Irritate skin and eyes on contact
    Effect the immune system leading to infections
  • Titainium (Ti)

    Titainium (Ti)
    Titainium has an atomic number of 22 and was discovered by in 1791 by a geologist William Gregor,
    Health effects: Excessive exposure in humans may result in slight changes in the lungs.
  • Yttrium (Y)

    Yttrium (Y)
    Yttrium was discovered by Johan Gadolin in 1794. The atomic nnumber is 39 and its symbol is Y.
    <b>Health Effects</b>
    When inhaled with air it can cause lung embolisms and it can be a threat to the liver.
  • Beryllium (Be)

    Beryllium (Be)
    Beryllium was discovered in 1798 by Louis-Nicholas Vanquelin from France. Beryllium's atomic number is 4. It belongs to the family of Alkaline earth metals.
    Health Effects:
    *Inhaling can scar the lungs
    *increases risk of lung cancer
  • Vanadium (V)

    Vanadium (V)
    Vanadium (atomic number 23) was discovered by Andre manuel Rio in 1801. Health Effects:
    -Cardiac and vascular disease
    -Inflamation of stomach and intestines
    -Bleeeding of liver and kidneys
    -Skin rashes
    -Severe trembling and paraylse
    -Nose bleeds and throat pains
    -Sickness and headaches
    -Behavioural changes vanadium
  • Boron (B) 5

    Boron (B) 5
    Boron was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy. there is lots of Boron in the Mojave Desert in California and extensive borax deposits in Turkey
    Heath effects are
    Boron can infect the stomach, liver, kidneys and brains and can eventually lead to death. When exposure to small amounts of boron takes place irritation of the nose, throat or eyes may occur.
  • Tantalum (Ta) 73

     Tantalum (Ta) 73
    Tantalum was discovered in Sweden in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg.
    the health effects
    Tantalum and its compounds are not thought to pose a serious health hazards to humans and animals
  • Iridium (Ir)

    Iridium (Ir)
    Iridium (atomic number 77) was discovered by Smithson Tennant in 1803. Health Effects:
    Eye- may cause eye irritation
    Skin-low hazard for usual industrial handling
    Ingestion-may cause irriatation of the digestive tract. Expected to be a low ingestion hazard.
    Inhalation-low hazard for usul indutrail handling Iridium
  • Osmium (Os)

    Osmium (Os)
    Osmium was found in 1803 by Smithson Tennant. It's atomic number is 76. It belongs to the family of transitional metals.
    Health Effects:
    -highly toxic -lung congestion, skin damage & severe eye damage
  • Rhodium (Rd)

    Rhodium (Rd)
    Rhodium was discovered by W.H. Wollaston in 1803. Its atomic number is 45. Its rarely a concern to humans. It should be regarded as highly toxic. Out of the few cases, it shows that it stains the skin very strongly.
  • Magnesium (Mg)

    Magnesium (Mg)
    Discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy. It's symbol os Mg.
    <b>Health Effects<b/>
    Taking magnesium supplements and medicines can lead to muscule weakness, lethargy and confusion
  • Selenium (Se) 34

    Selenium (Se) 34
    Was discovered by Jöns Jacob Berzelius in 1817. He reported that tellurium was present in sulphuric acid from a Swedish factory, but in the following year decided that the impurity was not tellurium but another closely related element that he subsequently identified as selenium.
    Health Effects: High blood levels of selenium can result in a condition called selenosis . Symptoms include gastrointestinal upsets, hair loss, white blotchy nails and mild nerve damage
  • Cadmium

    Cadmium was discovered in 1817 by the German chemist Friedrich Strohmeyer. Health Effetcs:
    - Diarrhoea, stomach pains and severe vomiting
    - Bone fracture
    - Reproductive failure and possibly even infertility
    - Damage to the central nervous system
    - Damage to the immune system
    - Psychological disorders
    - Possibly DNA damage or cancer development
  • Bromine (Br)

    Bromine (Br)
    Bromine (atomic number 35) discovered by Anthoine Balard in many inorganic substances, the year of 1826. Health Effects: Bromine is corrosive to human tissue in a liquid state and its vapors irritate eyes and throat, Bromine vapors are very toxic with inhalation.
  • Thorium (Th)

    Thorium (Th)
    Thorium was discovered by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish chemist, in 1828. Its atomic number is 90. Thorium is radioactive and can be stored in our bones, which can cause bone cancer. Breathing in large amounts can cause lung cancer and lung diseases. Also breathing it in you can get metal poisoning which can be deadly.
  • Lanthanum (La)

    Lanthanum (La)
    Lanthanum was discovered by a Swedish chemisist Carl Gustav. Lanthanum has an atomic number of 57.
    Health Effects: Lanthanum can cause lung embolisms.
  • Terbium (Tb) 65

    Terbium (Tb) 65
    Terbium was discovered by Carl Mosander in 1843. Health Effects: Terbium is not toxic, but it may be irritating if it makes contact with the eyes or skin, its toxicity has not been yet discovered.
  • Caesium (Cs)

    Caesium (Cs)
    was discovered by Rober Bunsen in 1860. Atomic number 55.
    HEALTH EFFECTS will not harm you unless it is radioactive
  • Rubidium (Rb)

    Rubidium (Rb)
    Discovered by Robert Bunsen in 1861. Atomic number is 37
    HEALTH EFFECTS toxic to ingest will cause thermal burns if it ignites and chemical burns if exposed to skin. can cause failure to gain weight, ataxia, hyper irritation, skin ulcers, and extreme nervousness.
  • Thallium (Tl)

    Thallium (Tl)
    Thallium (atomic number 81) was discovered by Sir William Crookes, an English chemist.
    Health effects: exposure to high levels of Thallium can result in harmful health effects such as: nunbness of fingers and toes, vomiting, diarreah, and hair loss.
  • Indium (In) 49

    Indium (In) 49
    Indium was discovered in 1863 and named for the indigo blue line in its spectrum that was the first indication of its existence in zinc ores, as a new and unknown element. The metal was first isolated in the following year.Indium is a very soft, silvery-white metal with a brilliant lustre and 'screams' when bent.
    Health Effects: Nothing that casue sickness or damage to humans.
  • Gallium (Ga) 31

    Gallium (Ga) 31
    Gallium was discoveredofficialy by the French chemist Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1875.
    Health Effects:
    If consumed in large doses
    can cause throat irritation, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and its fumes can cause even very serious conditions such as pulmonary edema and partial paralysis.
  • Ytterbium (Yb)

    Ytterbium (Yb)
    The first concentrate of ytterbium was obtained (1878) by Jean-Charles-Galinard de Marignac. The pure metal was not produced until 1953. The atomic number is 70.
    Health Effects Ytterbium has no biological role, but it has been noted that it salts stimulate metabolism. It is a skin and eye irritant.
  • Dysoprosium (Dy)

    Dysoprosium (Dy)
    Dysoprosium was first discovered by Paul B. The atomic number is 66. Dysoprosium salts are mildly toxic. it would take 500 grams to put a persons life at risk.
  • Scandium (Sc)

    Scandium (Sc)
    was discovered by Lars Nielson. Atomic numer is 21
    HEALTH EFFECTS Little is known about the element but it should be handled with care.
  • Barium (Ba)

    Barium (Ba)
    Was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy. The symbol is Ba.
    <b>Health Effects<b/>
    Small amounts of water-soluble barium may cause a person to experience breathing difficulties, increased blood pressures, heart rhythm changes, stomach irritation, muscle weakness, changes in nerve reflexes, swelling of brains and liver, kidney and heart damage.
  • Gadolinium (Gd)

    Gadolinium (Gd)
    Gadolinuim (atomic number 64) was first discovered by Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac, it is found in nature only in combined form in 1880. Health Effect: Gadolinium salts irritatesskin and eyes and are suspected to be tumorigens. Gadolinium toxicity has not been investigated in detail.
  • gadolinium (Ge) 32

    gadolinium (Ge) 32
    it was descovered in 1880 by de Marignac
    Health effects
    Gadolinium, as the other lanthanides, forms compounds of low to moderate toxicity. Gadolinium salts irritate skin and eyes and are suspected to be tumorigens. Gadolinium toxicity has not been investigated in detail.
  • Praseodymium (Pr)

    Praseodymium (Pr)
    Praseodymium was discovered by Carl F. Auer von Welsbach, a German chemist, in 1885. It's atomic number is 59. They belong to the family of transition elements.
    Health Effects:
    -Soluble forms are midly toxic by injestion
    -Skin & eye irritants
    -when inhaled with air can cause lung embolisms
    -also a threat to liver when it accumulates the human body
  • Argon (Ar)

    Argon (Ar)
    The element Argon was discovered in 1894 by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Lord Rayleigh, an English chemist. Argon has the atromic number of 18. It bwlong to the family of noble gases.
    Health Effects:
    *absorbed into the body by inhalation
    *dizziness, dullness, headache, suffocation and contact with skin or eyes can cause frostbite,
  • Helium (He)

    Helium (He)
    Sir William Ramsay discovered helium. Helium is a type of gas. Its atomic number is 2. If enough helium is inhaled that oxygen needed for normal respiration is replaced, asphyxia is possible.
  • Polonium (Po)

    Polonium (Po)
    Polonium (atomic numer 84) was discovered by Marie and Pierrre Currie in 1896. Health Effects:
    Polonium-120 is the only component of cigarette smoke that has produced cancer by itself in laboratory animals by inhalation. Tumors appearded already at a polonium level five times lower than those of a normal heavy smoker. Polonium
  • Actinium (Ac)

    Actinium (Ac)
    Actinium was discoverd by a french chemisist André-Louis Debierne. He disovered it in 1899. Actinium has an atomic number of 89.
    Health Effects: people exposed to Actinium's radiation may suffer from leukemia, immune system damage, stillbirths, miscarriages, and fertility problems. Radiation has been identified as a cause of sterility.
  • Radon (Rn)

    Radon (Rn)
    Radon (atomic number 86) was discovered by Ernst Dorn in 1900. Health Effects:
    If its inhaled it is exposing fragile tissues to penetrating radiation. Radon
  • Copper (Cu) 29

    Copper (Cu) 29
    This metal element has been around for thousands of years. Healt Effects: Copper can be found in many human foods, also inside drinking water and air. But to much copper can still be a health effect to human.
  • Rhenium (Re) 75

    Rhenium (Re) 75
    Rhenium was discovered by Walter Noddack, Ida Tacke, Otto Berg at 1925 in Germany. Rhenium is silvery white with a metallic lustre.
    Health Affects: Has no biological role.
  • Uranium (U) 92

    Uranium (U) 92
    A yellow glass containing more than 1% uranium oxide dating back to 79 AD was found near Naples in Italy. Klaproth recognized an unknown element in pitchblende and attempted to isolate the metal in 1789. He named the element for the planet uranus.
    Health Effects: Causes kidney failure, cancer and eventually death.