Healthy living

Lifetime Health

By AvaDrew
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  • Eat Healthy!

    Eat Healthy!
    Eat a healthy diet to reduce your risk for heart disease and other chronic health problems.
    Note: Don't overlook protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3
    fats, and folic acid!
  • Make Good Choices!

    Make Good Choices!
    Don't not smoke or use tobacco products, make sure your home has working smoke
    detectors and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor and in every bedroom, avoid illegal substances and drink alcohol only in moderation (no more than 2 drinks per day for men, 1 for
    women). Never drink and drive, always wear your seat belt. Also be sure to get enough sleep!
  • Keep in Shape!

    Keep in Shape!
    Bone Mass peaks in your 20's! Make sure to build bone through weight-bearing exercises like hiking,
    running and strength-training to reduce your risk for osteoporosis. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week.
  • Don't Let The Sun Get you

    Don't Let The Sun Get you
    Use sunscreen! Protect your skin and eyes from effects of the sun to reduce risk for conditions such as skin cancer, vision problems and premature aging of the skin.
  • Get a Check-up!

    Get a Check-up!
    Have a medical check-up at least every 2 years, including blood pressure screening.
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  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

    Maintain a Healthy Weight
    Metabolism slows down beginning in your 30's, losing weight is
    more difficult. But being overweight or obese increases risk for chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain types of cancer.
  • Reduce Sodium Intake!

    Reduce Sodium Intake!
    Limit your intake of processed foods and fast foods! Reduce the amount of sodium (salt) in your diet!
  • Exercise!

    Get 30–60 minutes of physical activity on most days
    of the week. Some ways to do so are: brisk walk, jogging and dancing, and biking, swimming, hiking or play tennis
  • Get Sleep

    Get Sleep
    Most people need about 6–8 hours of sleep each night to function at their best! sleep deprivation can cause a number of health problems, so try to get naps in and make sure to be at your best health!
  • Some tips for your 30's!

    Some tips for your 30's!
    • wear sunscreen! make sure to keep your skin undamaged by the sun and safe from skin conditions and health issues.
    • Reduce stress, its important to make time for your relationships in your life, but also to relax and enjoy some time to calm down.
    • Monitor your body mass index (BMI), blood pressure and cholesterol levels! Its important to make sure your healthy.
    • Avoid Drugs!
  • Build Muscle!

    Build Muscle!
    Bin your 30's, your body starts to replace muscle with fat. Make sure to do strength training workouts to reverse this!
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  • Keep Healthy Habits

    Keep Healthy Habits
    This is an important time to prevent health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and many types of cancer! So make sure to keep healthy habits to make sure you don't get any of them later in life.
  • Chronic Pain!

    Chronic Pain!
    The risk for arthritis, back pain and conditions like tendonitis increases with age, so take steps to reduce the risk!
  • Get Checkups!

    Get Checkups!
    Physical exam - Every 2 or 3 years
    Dental exam - Every 6 months to 1 year
    Comprehensive eye exam - every 2 years
    Blood pressure screening - Every 2 years
    Cholesterol screening - Every 5 years
    Diabetes screening - as recommended
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  • Keep Your Weight In Check

    Keep Your Weight In Check
    Your metabolism slows down as we age, making managing your weight more difficult. For women, this is espcially apparent after menopause.
  • Reduce Stress!

    Reduce Stress!
    Chronic stress is a common problem for people in their 50's. In f act, Stress can increase the risk for a heart attack, stroke and other serious medical problems. Make sure to take steps to reduce your stress.
  • Even More Checkups!

    Even More Checkups!
    Physical exam - every 2 years
    Dental exam - every 6 months to 1 year
    Blood pressure screening - every year
    Cholesterol screening - every 5 years
    Diabetes screening - as recomended
    Skin exam - every year
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  • How to Reduce Risks!

    How to Reduce Risks!
    While aging may up the risks for many health problems, its important to make sure you can reduce or monitor that risk. Learn about the warning signs for many serious medical conditions, talk to your doctor about any concerns, and follow your healthcare providers recommendations.
  • So Many Checkups!

    So Many Checkups!
    Annual flu vaccine
    Blood pressure screening - once a year
    Bone density test - at age 60 or 65
    Clinical breast exam and mammogram (in women) - every year
    Colonoscopy - every 10 years beginning at age 50
    Dental exam - every 6 months
    Digital rectal exam and fecal occult blood test - every year
    Eye exam - every year
    Fasting blood glucose test - every 3 years
    Hepatitis vaccines - as recommended
    Pap test (in women) - every 3 to 5 years
    Pelvic exam (in women)—every year