
Lifetime Personal Health -McKenna Everett

  • Period: to

    The 20s

    During your 20s, you focus on making good choices and maintaining good health to prevent future medical issues. Eat a diet with limited processed foods, and get a good balance of meats, dairy, grains, fruits, and vegetables (or good substitutes) to supply key nutrients, as well as exercise to maintain weight and reduce health risks. Stay away from tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, and make sure you get enough sleep. (NOTE: I'm going to use dates for my life for the timeline to make things easier)
  • Period: to

    The 30s

    During this period, your metabolism slows, so it becomes very important to get enough physical activity and maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy diet is also necessary, and watching your sodium intake becomes more important as you age. Exercise also helps keeping your body loose, making sure you retain a healthy, functioning body as you grow older. Continue sleeping and engaging in activities to reduce stress, and watch your BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Period: to

    The 40s

    During your 40s, many new health problems surface, physical and emotional, and so it's important to make sure to maintain that healthy diet and exercise, as well as stretching, or getting medication or other treatment for chronic pains, continuing to watch your BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. At this age, eating too much fast food becomes even more dangerous. Watch your mental health, to reduce stress and depression. Reproductive health also is reduced during this period.
  • Period: to

    The 50s

    During this period, it's very important to continue eating healthy, and to exercise both body and mind to remain sharp at both as you age. Drinking and smoking should be avoided, as it's now very dangerous. Make sure you sleep and reduce stress to keep your mind and body fresh, and keep a healthy weight. Reproductive issues are also now very prevalent, including ED and menopause. Make sure to get frequent exams, as you're at a higher susceptibility to illness, and it is more dangerous.
  • Period: to

    The 60s

    During this period, your body is becoming much weaker, and visiting the doctor and knowing symptoms of common ailments is more important than ever. Eat healthy, and exercise to keep your body working and maintain a healthy weight. Protect your heart and stop drinking and smoking. Make sure to exercise your brain as well, and get frequent medical exams. Always have a way to get immediate medical help if you need it, as it's more difficult to sustain yourself in these cases.