
Lifetime Personal Health by Maria Rivera

  • 20s

    Healthy diet: Eating foods with heathy amounts of protein, calcium, potacium, omega-3, and folic acid.
    Exercise: Get at least 30 min of exercise a day and vairy exercise routine.
    Preventive health care: Protect skin from large amounts of sun exposure,keeping tabs on sexual health( along with mental health), and reduce risk of accidents.
  • 30s

    Healthy Eating: Eat foods with vitamins like iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin D, fiber and healthy omega-3 fat. Eat pleanty of fruits, vegitables, grain and lean protein.
    Exercise: Exercise for a bout 30-60 min almost every day of the week. Try exercising with friends and family to give you more motivation.
    Prevencion health care: Protect yourself from too much sun exposure, dont smoke or do drugs, limit drinking, and monitor things like blood pressure and body mass.
  • 40s

    Healthy Eating: Keep a balanced healthy diet and watch for large increasses or decreases in BMI.
    Exercise: Exercise regularly and keep a varied exercise routine so it is more effective.
    Precautionary health care: Have regular check ups, keep tabs on things like BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, and family health risks.
  • 50s

    Healthy Eating: Reduce the amount of sodium you ingest along with watching the amounts of faty foods you eat. You might need to start thinking about suppliments.
    Exercise: Get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day for most of the week. Find new activaties you like and try new exercise routines.
    Prevention care: Avoid drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Along with that get enough sleep and regular check ups/ screeanings.
  • 60s

    Healthy Eating: Avoid fatty prossesed foods, and eat a varied diet.
    Exercise: Get at least 30 min of exercise a day for most days of the week, but consolt a doctor first. Try calm activaties like bowling or golf.
    Prevention Care: Get regular examinations and screanings. Keep tabs of blood pressure and other possible health risks.